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  • #1100513


    The working class are far too busy WORKING 6 days a week catering for the needs of the NIMBY rent-a-mob liberal middle class to attend frivolous (pointless)  protest marches against the American president.



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    Scep.. seriously what wrong with u.?

    Trump did say wanted the relationship with British to help both economy. TRADE. Your screwed up laws and so forth come from your leadership not ours. He even told people your Primister responsible on decisions she makes, laws enacted, not him. Leaving that to her.

    I am extremely disappointed in your anger which is placing all the blame of your people, our problem. We started it. Not so..Trump offering suggestions that all to help.

    I have known u awhile scep. We have had disagreements about Trump before. But this lowering of yourself concerns me greatly. GO HOME TRUMP. WE NOT WANT YOU HERE..WOW SCEP. .. :unsure:


    I did warn you Linda …..



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  mooosey88.

    About 2-3000 people calling for Tommy Robinson to be freed have been marching towards Whitehall, where the police are going to stop them.

    I don’t know whether this includes the 500 people who turned up to support Trump (suppresses smile).

    How many are turning up for anti-Trump protests in Glasgow and Edinburgh? Does anybody know?

    According to the Evening Standard, 250, 000 people turned up for the anti-Trump protests in London. Sky News called it the biggest demo seen in the capital for a long time.

    One and a half million signed a petition last year asking for  Trump to be banned from entering the country as an undesirable.

    The First Minister of Scotland is leading the protest against Trump.

    Yougov polls have confirmed that about 70% of the population has a negative opinion of him.

    Oh, dear.

    The pro-Trumpers here seem to be in a distinct minority.

    Still, doesn’t stop them trumpeting odd opinions and personal attacks, pretending that they speak for the nation, or the working class.

    Speak for the working class? What fantasy world are they creating for themselves? :wacko:   :wacko:   :wacko:






    YouGov polls predicted a huge May majority in the months prior to the the election and right up to it, but that’s the NIMBY rent-a-mob liberal middle class for you, they sneer at polls when they are not in favour and squark like dribbling lunatics when they are.




    I’ve not questioned any poll.

    I said I’m one of the 51% who think Trump should be allowed to air his views.

    Not that facts matter in Trump/Alt Right land. :unsure:

    I’m against Trump, so I’m a racist, demntia-ridden nimby neo-liberal who doesn’t want Trump to air his views on brexit.

    But I do support his expressing his opinions :-( :-( :-(

    How many are going to turn up to the pro-Trump march? Any guesses?

    If jc opinion on this board is anything to go by, it will be 4 times bigger than the anti-Trump. That is going to be some demo! B-)

    Why does anyone need to march to protest someone they already support.. I suspect most sit back and laugh at the bitterness of people like you unable to accept that the country has voted to leave the EU and the states have voted trump into office. It must pain you inside after waving around cereal boxes with trump out flapping  like a demented seal there’s nothing you can do about it – case closed I’m afraid.


    The ITV Tonight poll shows that 77% of brits don’t like Trump.

    Yougov find 50% agree to a state visit, but a majority (49%) oppose Trump seeing the Queen. 37% want him stopped from coming to Britain – that includes me.

    In jc, I stand here alone against Trump, 4 or 5 other Trumpers lining up to attack me, often personally.

    But the vast majority of brits, like me, reject Trump and the lying, racist culture he represents.

    Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, has fully supported the demonstration yesterday as the voice of diversity and decency, in which ordinary people throughout the country poured forth in their hundreds of thousands to express their revulsion at this man.

    He was booed on the golf course as he rode in his caddy. boy, did he get a fright!

    Most American voters voted against him, and for Clinton. He was elected constitutionally, not democratically – anyone who knows anything about the US Constitution knows how this can be done. His support is sticking for the moment as he rides a wave of America First rhetoric.

    America First rhetoric has no place in Britain

    He’s an enemy of this country.




    The ITV Tonight poll shows that 77% of brits don’t like Trump.

    Yougov find 50% agree to a state visit, but a majority (49%) oppose Trump seeing the Queen. 37% want him stopped from coming to Britain – that includes me.

    In jc, I stand here alone against Trump, 4 or 5 other Trumpers lining up to attack me, often personally.

    But the vast majority of brits, like me, reject Trump and the lying, racist culture he represents.

    Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, has fully supported the demonstration yesterday as the voice of diversity and decency, in which ordinary people throughout the country poured forth in their hundreds of thousands to express their revulsion at this man.

    He was booed on the golf course as he rode in his caddy. boy, did he get a fright!

    Most American voters voted against him, and for Clinton. He was elected constitutionally, not democratically – anyone who knows anything about the US Constitution knows how this can be done. His support is sticking for the moment as he rides a wave of America First rhetoric.

    America First rhetoric has no place in Britain

    He’s an enemy of this country.

    You can cry about it as much as you like, Trump is president of the united states of America welcomed by the Queen /PM   who is likely to get re elected due to the US economy booming and our date to leave the EU has been set.

    You lost, screaming in rage ,  banging of pots and pans on marches hasn’t and won’t made any difference. :cry:   . It’s game over  :good:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  rudeboy.


    Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, has fully supported the demonstration yesterday as the voice of diversity and decency, in which ordinary people throughout the country poured forth in their hundreds of thousands to express their revulsion at this man.

    Jeremy Corbyn and I voted for him twice, won’t ever get elected as PM if he lives to be three times your age. The bubble has burst. The man can protest in opposition all he likes but he still won’t give you a “soft” Brexit, nor did he ever intend to. Once he sells out and if he does, it is over for him and over for labour.


    I have told you before and i’ll tell you again, your class, the  NIMBY rent-a-mob liberal middle class, preach in their little bubble to the already converted, nobody else buys into it.


    Keep on shouting into your sound box.


    Nobody else hears you.




    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  Ge.

    The pro-Trumpers here seem to be in a distinct minority.”

    Who apart from Linda has said they were Pro-Trump ?

    You are lumping Pro-Brexit and Pro-Trumpers in together in your rants. Stop presuming you know other peoples opinions as per usual. Because people disagree with your opinions, doesn’t make them Pro anything just because you say so..


    Trump: Said “grab ’em by the pussy” 13 years ago.
    Saudi Prince: Oversees regime that tortures & imprisons women for not wearing a hijab.
    Both visit the UK.
    Guess which one tens of thousands of idiot lefties will be on the streets protesting against?

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