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14 July, 2018 at 9:01 am #1100485
I am no fan of Trump far from it and no one I know is, but ultimately in the world grown ups inhabit he is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, the number 1 economy and post Brexit it is vitally important the UK negotiates pragmatic trade deals with the likes of America whoever is in charge and especially as Trump could well be re-elected for a second term.
The liberal class (values) the university educated voting middle class (the group most likely to vote) have had it good for so long that they really do believe our political system is set up to cater solely for them and them only and they, the rent-a-mob liberal class, really are arrogant enough to believe everyone else should be grateful for the scraps thrown their way.
It is pointless directly responding to liberal lies, spin and misinformation regarding the likes of Trump everytime it is trotted out, because these people really do not care about the reality for everyone else and the reality for everyone else is that they now want a slice of the cake that greedy self entitled liberal class have been devouring over the past 50 years or so and they really do not care if Trump is president or not while they fight for a slice of that cake. The real world, not the insulated bubble the rent-a-mob liberal classs reside in.
14 July, 2018 at 10:35 am #110048714 July, 2018 at 11:45 am #1100488Incidentally your pompous rant on trump being disliked by most Brits is more gibberish- suck it up buttercup.
What does that Sky Data poll show???
Sky Data aren’t exactly leading pollsters, but they show that 51% of brits thnk Trump should be allowed to express his opinions on Brexit, while a similar majority don’t trust him to make a trade deal.
Very good.
So what? I’m one of the 51%.
I don’t think there is going to be a good trade deal. Even before May announced her soft brexit package (and that package will be modified by Brussels in negotiations, it’s only a negotiating paper), the US Agriculture Representative was saying that there could be no deal. Trump is America First; he’s not going to prefer britain’s interests over America, which is why he’s starting a trade war with us.
I assume a major outpouring of pro-Trump sentiment is going to pour on to the streets of London today, merging with the Tommy Robinson protestors who attacked the police in a minor riot a few weeks ago. There is a counter-demonstration, and I hope there’s not going to be anyone hurt. The size of the demonstration will indicate how badly divided Britain is on the issue, though. If it’s anything to go by this thread, it’s likely to be four times bigger than the anti-Trump demos.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
sceptical guy.
14 July, 2018 at 11:59 am #1100491This is what the NIMBY rent-a-mob liberal middle class do. When 51% is in their favour it means something important, something big and should be listened to. When it isn’t in their favour it is because the polls are wrong, or the people taking part are all uneducated, racist, xenophobic bigots.
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14 July, 2018 at 12:11 pm #1100492Oh and btw, police were attacked yesterday and arrests made during “mini riots” but violence is acceptable to the NIMBY rent-a-mob liberal middle class when it is carried out during protest marches they support.
14 July, 2018 at 12:20 pm #1100497Incidentally your pompous rant on trump being disliked by most Brits is more gibberish- suck it up buttercup.
What does that Sky Data poll show???
Sky Data aren’t exactly leading pollsters, but they show that 51% of brits thnk Trump should be allowed to express his opinions on Brexit, while a similar majority don’t trust him to make a trade deal.
Very good.
So what? I’m one of the 51%.
I don’t think there is going to be a good trade deal. Even before May announced her soft brexit package (and that package will be modified by Brussels in negotiations, it’s only a negotiating paper), the US Agriculture Representative was saying that there could be no deal. Trump is America First; he’s not going to prefer britain’s interests over America, which is why he’s starting a trade war with us.
I assume a major outpouring of pro-Trump sentiment is going to pour on to the streets of London today, merging with the Tommy Robinson protestors who attacked the police in a minor riot a few weeks ago. There is a counter-demonstration, and I hope there’s not going to be anyone hurt. The size of the demonstration will indicate how badly divided Britain is on the issue, though. If it’s anything to go by this thread, it’s likely to be four times bigger than the anti-Trump demos.
You stated the vast majority in the uk dont want trump here so the poll shows you are talking utter sh*it but as you dont believe in polls perhaps you can show evidence to the contrary?
Of course “he’s not going to prefer britain’s interests over America” and nor should he … incase you forgot he is USA president. I suppose all the leaders of these lovely EU countries have been prioritising Britain all these years then have they over their own countries.
I’m still waiting for your answer to if you “protested” against the Saudi royal family and if not why not?
14 July, 2018 at 12:22 pm #1100498LOL@50%…..49 percent of the population have to suffer to satisfy the needs of the 51%…that’s Politics for you….
14 July, 2018 at 12:24 pm #110049914 July, 2018 at 12:25 pm #110050014 July, 2018 at 12:25 pm #110050125% vote in governments, has P only just noticed how %’s affect the rest of us.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
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