Arc is right.
She’s not saying that Trump will use nuclear weapons over Syria, just that she feels that it won’t take much for him to push the button.
I hope she’s wrong; I know she hopes she’s wrong. But that is a general feeling.
A useful feeling for Trump, who is prepared to bully his way around the world as though it were a reality tv show, and world politicians like the Beloved Leader of North Korea a rival celebrity.
I don’t see his attack as a u-turn form his anti-interventionist strategy. He didn’t have an anti-interventionist strategy, or an interventionist one.
His strategy is America First, American Always. If that means strut and threaten, he’ll strut and threaten. if that means strike, he’ll strike, show who’s boss.
He’s not a conservative or a liberal, not an isolationist or an interventionist, he’s a Mussolini-figure, operating in a political system designed to stop Mussolini figures, so he can’t get his way the whole time.
But he’s Commander-in-Chief, and he knows how Big John Wayne always won.
So, Beloved Leader, you two-bit punk, put up or shut up, because my six-guns are fast. Go ahead, punk, make my day.
*The Beloved leader goes all snake-eyed