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7 June, 2022 at 7:35 am #1144806
Well, this one lit a fuse didn’t it.
Linda hides behind the second fucking amendment and puds misdirects it to mental illness.
All so pathetically predictable.
They’re both brainwashed into believing that’s it’s normal to carry a gun. They defend their God given right to bear arms. They argue about gun calibers, clips sizes, age limits.
No my chat colleagues. It is not normal on this planet to be carrying a gun. ANY FUCKING GUN. It’s a sign that the USA is totally fucked up with guns. You choose to ignore the overwhelming correlation between gun ownership and gun killings in your country. You dont want to admit facts that hit you in the face. Your country is awash with guns and nothing and no-one will ever change that and the mass murders are a permanent part of American culture.
Endless mass murders, the epitome of the land of freedom.
Mass murder of kids, in the home of the fucking brave.
7 June, 2022 at 8:55 pm #1144810From a 2016 article. I’ve chopped it up a bit (***) but the entire article is found here:
Sweden may have the answer to America’s gun problem
By Tom Heberlein <time class=”c-byline__item” datetime=”2016-08-08T12:00:02″ data-ui=”timestamp”>Aug 8, 2016, 8:00am EDT</time>gun violence is low in Sweden. The country ranks 10th out of 178 countries in the world for per capita gun ownership but in 2014 had only 21 homicides by firearms. In contrast, the US is first in per capita ownership and had more than 8,000 gun homicides in 2014. Controlling for population, US firearms homicides are 700 percent higher than Sweden’s.
<p id=”wBQY12″>My employer, the Swedish Hunters Association, had filled out all the paperwork (including paying the tax), so there was no problem getting my guns into the country. But I couldn’t take them to my apartment, as I would have in the United States.</p>
Instead, like all guns in Sweden, they had to be stored in a locked safe, so colleagues took them directly to the wildlife research lab that has a walk-in vault to store firearms.***
Here’s how the Swedish system works: Only responsible people are trusted with firearms. Sweden licenses guns in much the same way we license cars and drivers. You can have up to six guns but can get more with special permission.
To apply for a firearm permit you must first take a year-long hunter training program and pass a written and shooting test. You can also apply for a gun permit if you’ve been a member of an established shooting club for six months.
In addition to undergoing training, Sweden’s gun owners must store their firearms safely. Guns must be locked away in a vault, not stored beneath your car seat or in the nightstand where your kids can find them.
Responsibility in Sweden goes further yet: Convicted of a felony? No guns for you. Beat your wife? No guns. Under a restraining order? No guns. Drive drunk? No guns.
(The gun law does not spell out specific actions that cause a citizen to be “unfit” to have a gun permit. It does say that the police must have a “reasonable cause” to suspend a permit, and these kinds of things might signal that a gun owner is “unfit.”)
Even so, being responsible is not such a tough job. Sweden denies permits to only about 1,000 people a year (out of 600,000 permit holders), and they can appeal their rejection to the courts.
<p id=”lBEajt”>And despite these restrictions, Sweden has a strong hunting culture. The heavily forested country is about the size of California but with one-fourth the people. Its moose population per acre is the world’s largest, and moose hunting is front-page news. The king himself hunts moose, and small towns shut down for the season opener much like Wisconsin towns do for the state’s deer season.</p>
<p id=”QyACNJ”>Sweden has nearly 300,000 hunters, which means it has a readily armed population should it need defense. And make no mistake: Guns are part of Sweden’s culture, history, and national defense — even though it has enjoyed more than 200 years of peace.</p>
Many of my Swedish colleagues served in the military and are proficient with firearms. They can practice at shooting ranges all over Stockholm. When hiking in a city park, it’s common to hear the measured shots of target practice nearby.***
SO GUNS ARENT THE PROBLEM, ANDY. SWEDES HAVE GUNS. BUT NOT THE DANGEROUS SWEDES. MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM. My cousin was murdered by her husband, who then shot himself as police were about to arrest him. My uncle found his daughter’s body with the back of her head blown off. I had guns pointed at me by gangbangers (two black, one Mexican) three times before I was 20 yrs old. It’s more personal to me than you. So yeah, I want a solution to this increasing problem. More gun laws won’t mean anything. The gangbangers who pointed guns at me got their guns illegally, as they were all under the legal age to possess handguns.
Is heroin still illegal in the UK? And is it still readily available in your big cities? Will passing more laws solve THAT problem?
Grow a brain, Andy. Or at least change the fing record. Your message is old, tired, and you have no wisdom for me. You are a neophyte.
7 June, 2022 at 10:14 pm #1144811Florida’s ‘red-flag’ law eyed as example amid gun debate
Supporters say law has saved ‘untold’ number of lives in state
As a national debate rages over gun laws after last month’s mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, proponents of “red-flag” policies point to a Florida law as a model for states seeking to strip deadly weapons from people who could cause harm. The Florida law, which allows authorities to take guns from people found to pose a “significant danger” to themselves or others, has drawn pushback from Second Amendment advocates and some law-enforcement officials.
But supporters say the law — used thousands of times since the Republican-controlled Legislature approved it in 2018 — has saved an untold number of lives. “There’s no question that it has prevented harm. No doubt in my mind,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri told The News Service of Florida.
The measure allows law-enforcement officials to seek “risk-protection” orders from judges, who must consider a number of factors — such as recent acts of violence or threats of violence — before granting the requests. The orders can last up to 12 months, and officials are permitted to seek a single extension of up to another year.
Lawmakers included the red-flag measure in a sweeping school-safety law passed after a 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland that killed 14 students and three faculty members. In Pinellas County, Gualtieri has a special unit dedicated to processing risk-protection order requests for the sheriff’s office and municipal police departments. Pinellas has had about 1,100 petitions for the orders — the second-highest number in the state.
The orders have thwarted shootings, “active-assailant events” and domestic violence, said Gualtieri, who chairs a school-safety commission created by the Legislature after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting. “Some of these people that we have been successful in removing firearms from are scary people, are people that were in some cases hellbent on that pathway to violence, and they would have acted,” he said.
The orders allow authorities to “intervene at the earliest possible time” to “prevent something from becoming actionable,” Gualtieri added.
Most risk-protection orders are not seeking to prevent people from hurting themselves, according to Gualtieri.
“The majority of them are harm towards others. Their head’s not in the right space. They shouldn’t have guns or ammunition,” he said.
But critics of the law believe it gives the government too much power and doesn’t do enough to safeguard due-process rights.
Under the law, authorities can petition courts to temporarily remove people’s weapons for up to 14 days. If such petitions are granted, hearings must be held within two weeks on requests for risk-protection orders that can last up to a year.
Because the process isn’t criminal, people subject to risk-protection petitions are not entitled to public defenders and would have to hire private lawyers to represent them at hearings. The law also allows people to petition courts to have their guns returned before orders expire. Legal costs in risk-protection cases can range from $5,000 to $10,000, according to some experts.
When weighing requests for risk-protection orders, judges must consider whether to order mental-health evaluations. But the law doesn’t require that services be provided to people who might be experiencing mental-health crises and are suspected of being threats.
“Those type of people need to be identified, and we need to make a determination, is this somebody that we need to be making sure they don’t get guns. I agree with all of that. Why are we too scared to give them a right to counsel, and why are we too scared to include provisions in the law for them to actually get stabilization and treatment of some type?” Eric Friday, an attorney who is general counsel of the Florida Carry gun-rights organization, said in a telephone interview.
Friday and other gun-rights advocates said officials should use Florida’s Baker Act, which allows people to be involuntarily detained for up to 72 hours while mental-health evaluations are conducted, to isolate people who pose risks to themselves or others, rather than stripping them of Second Amendment rights.
But Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said “the Baker Act is a totally different instrument” and does not allow the removal of firearms.
“So that’s why you need the RPO (risk-protection order). When we go to someone and they’re having a mental-health break, or they’ve got something real stressful and they’ve not committed a crime, they’re not a criminal. They’re just under this immense stress and have not yet acted out. I call it ‘threatened out,’” Judd told the News Service this week.
Polk County, with about 1,300 orders over the past four years, has had more risk-protection orders than anywhere else in the state.
“It’s simply a tool to keep people safe and to protect people from each other sometimes or protect people from themselves,” Judd said.
Ryan Petty, whose 14-year-old daughter Alaina was among the Parkland victims and who is a self-described “ardent Second Amendment supporter,” acknowledged that red-flag laws are problematic for some gun-rights advocates.
“The concern that most Second Amendment advocates have is it feels like due process is reversed,” he said in a phone interview.
But Petty, who also serves on the school-safety commission, defended the law.
“With regard to the due-process issues, I get it. It feels like guilty until proven innocent. I don’t know how you get around that, to be honest with you,” he said. “But it seems to me that we are balancing the rights of law-abiding gun owners against the rights of individuals who have chosen and demonstrated that they are a threat to themselves or others. That’s the distinction I make, and that’s why I’ve supported and support red-flag laws like we have in Florida.”
As of May 25, the state had 2,845 active risk-protection orders, including temporary orders, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The numbers can fluctuate daily.
Since the law passed in March 2018, 8,683 petitions for temporary 14-day orders and 5,856 petitions for orders that can last up to 12 months have been filed, and nearly all of the requests have been approved, according to records provided by the Office of the State Courts Administrator. The data show wide disparities in the number of requests among the state’s 67 counties.
“I’ll tell you unequivocally some sheriffs philosophically may be against it, so they’re not going to encourage the use of it. … Some police agencies are just lazy and take the easiest way to the end of the process. Some may not even know about it yet. At the end of the day, they could accuse me of overusing it, but I’m trying to save lives,” Judd said.
8 June, 2022 at 1:53 pm #1144822
And here is both the terrible tragedy of America’s gun habit and the best hope to end it. In virtually every way that can be measured, owning a firearm makes the owner, the owner’s family, and the people around them less safe. The hard-core gun owner will never accept this truth. But the 36 percent in the middle—they may be open to it, if they can be helped to perceive it.
The Atlantic Sept 1 2021-
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
8 June, 2022 at 4:01 pm #1144826What about berlin shootings?
8 June, 2022 at 4:17 pm #11448278 June, 2022 at 4:22 pm #1144828
Over a dataset of 1,000 articles, The Atlantic scored an average Factual Grade of 68.5%. This is above the average of 61.9% for all 240 news sources that we analyzed. This places The Atlantic in the 79th percentile of our dataset.
The Atlantic scores above average mainly due to thorough sourcing and experienced, repeat authors who demonstrate topical knowledge. However, highly opinionated language and titles offset these otherwise strong metrics.
The Atlantic had an average Writing Tone score of 0.27, placing it in the 10th percentile in our dataset. This compares to an average Writing Tone score of 0.56 for all 240 analyzed news sources. These scores show that articles from the magazine are highly likely to be very opinionated and use loaded language to elicit an emotional response from readers.
Quoting a lefty rag that is more suitable for the bottom of a birdcage does not persuade anyone but other mindless libtards, Andy.8 June, 2022 at 5:39 pm #1144829Sorry Andy pandy I will stick with my American partner here. MOST CASES after the fact have been proven as mental instability. Including covid lockdowns some causes, depression, substance abuse. Normal people loosing it. Family disconnection.friends. etc.
The Texas one blows my mind. Death penalty be to sweet for him easy way out or parole. Live off the taxpayers for free. Makes me sick. They have rights in prison. What about the victims?
So andy pandy u look up The different States and look into gun laws? As I said each are different like prostitution. Amazing when you do real research.
And yes what about Berlin? We talking copy cat issues? U.s.a. fault?
And kiwi Trump been out of office. Do your research. Biden to weak to come out and speak about it as those organizations contributed to his campaign. Lol.
Get a tattoo. Love America!
8 June, 2022 at 5:43 pm #1144830In a landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1993, researchers found that having a gun in the home was linked with nearly three times higher odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance. Studies using more recent data have come to the same conclusion. In a 2019 study, researchers found that states with high levels of household gun ownership have more domestic gun homicides than other states do.
In a 2017 study published in Science, Philip Levine and his colleague Robin McKnight found that where gun sales increased after Sandy Hook (as indicated by increases in background checks), rates of accidental death rose, too. They estimated that 60 additional people, including 20 children, were killed in the aftermath of Sandy Hook because of the excess guns people purchased.
In 2015, David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, and Sara Solnick, an economist at the University of Vermont, analyzed national government surveys involving more than 14,000 people and reported that guns are used for self-protection in less than 1 percent of all crimes that take place in the presence of a victim. They also found that people were more likely to be injured after threatening attackers with guns than they were if they had called the police or run away.
States in the top quartile of firearm ownership had a 64.6% (p<0.001) higher incidence rate of domestic firearm homicide than states in the lowest quartile. –
Scientists who conduct research on gun violence overwhelmingly agree that firearms make society more dangerous, according to a recent poll conducted by David Hemenway of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Individuals in possession of a gun were 4.46 (P < .05) times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not in possession. Charles C. Branas, PhD,<sup>
</sup> Therese S. Richmond, PhD, CRNP, Dennis P. Culhane, PhD, Thomas R. Ten Have, PhD, MPH, and Douglas J. Wiebe, PhD
The data goes on, ad nauseum
The hard-core gun owner will never accept the truth.
8 June, 2022 at 5:48 pm #1144831…but puds knows better, he’s more fucking clever than all the scientists in the whole world
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
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