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31 May, 2022 at 6:54 am #1144761
Kiwi still believes the connection is guns, not age.
If the connection was gun’s somewhere like Israel or Switzerland, even France would have more mass shootings.
All 3 have access to firearms, Switzerland being the most liberal and school shootings arent common.
To understand the cause of the problem you need to look at suicide rates. Suicide was the third leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 24.
Young men who feel there nothing to lose carry out school shootings, Radicalisated by groups by left and right wing groups into carry out terrorist attacks and gang crime.
Again the issues not gun control, its simplistic view to a complicated question. Unless we all do more to convince young men they do have future, they’re part of society and life will get better…..these attacks will continued.
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
Mr Fishy.
31 May, 2022 at 6:59 am #1144763Puds. I take your point on mental illness on board but the Texas shooter didn’t have a mental illness did he?
Surely if your going to use mental illness for such acts there should be more control on who can go and buy any firearm (back ground checks,medical checks and most of all why do they need/want one)
Over here just to get a shotgun licence i had to hand into the police my shotgun application form (with the fee) and then get told they wanted 3 letters from landowners who’s grounds i will be shooting on and why they wanted me to shoot on their ground.
To get your mitts on an actual firearm licence over here is bloody hard,unless you stand up with one trouser leg rolled up and have a funny handshake (Freemason)
31 May, 2022 at 7:56 am #1144765Somer if that was the case knife crime wouldnt be so high.
Its not the weapon, its the person.
Not really a mental illness issue, more lack of hope and despair.
31 May, 2022 at 8:11 am #1144766lol Its the orange one with fake tan and his crazy comments in past and present you should worry about puds .Mind you hes well knowen attract ppl who are ham sandwhich short of picnic.
31 May, 2022 at 8:22 am #1144767Somer if that was the case knife crime wouldnt be so high.
Its not the weapon, its the person.
Not really a mental illness issue, more lack of hope and despair.
Doa what the fook you trying to say? Are you talking abouit knife crime in the UK or states?
Please spell it out as i have a hangover this morning
31 May, 2022 at 8:23 am #1144768Mental illness plays big part in the gun business yes plus brain washing of what ppl see on the internet and the easyness of buying guns. How easy it is to purchase them in usa.
31 May, 2022 at 10:08 am #1144769Somer if that was the case knife crime wouldnt be so high.
Its not the weapon, its the person.
Not really a mental illness issue, more lack of hope and despair.
Doa what the fook you trying to say? Are you talking abouit knife crime in the UK or states?
Please spell it out as i have a hangover this morning
What I’m saying is:
Radicalisation of young men
Gang crime
School shootings
All have a common theme. Young people who feel they have nothing to lose. The suicide rate proves how despondent some aged between 14-25 are. Its the reason they join gangs, radical groups or just shoot up a school.
They want to belong…… something, anything. And if they cant, they just plan there own deaths and take those who “wronged” them….with them.
Gun’s have nothing to do with this.
Look at:
31 May, 2022 at 11:35 am #1144770Utter bollox mate.
31 May, 2022 at 12:25 pm #1144773Ok…. I need to prove this too you
Can you make a machine gun in the UK? Yes. Its not hard to do with csc metal work and basic chemistry. All stuff we did at school.
So everyone got the skills to prouduce basic firearm.
There stories of people building there own stent gun’s in WW2. They’re really easy to make, so easy it would surprise you.
The percussion cap or percussion primer was introduced in the early 1820s. So I’m sure you can knock a few up at home. Propellant I cant talk about on here, but its easy too. And the bullets? I’m sure you can drill out a few brass bars.
Do you want a RPG?
Weapons arent hard to make, they even make them in jail.
Terrorist attacks over the last 50 years have proved no matter how many controls are put in place, you cant stop a determined person carrying out an attack. They will always find a way.
To stop attacks we need to find the cause. Why young people feel the need to carry out violent acts dying in the process or willing face the rest of there lifes in jail.
You can pass all the gun laws you want, your just wasting your time and will change nothing !!!
31 May, 2022 at 5:04 pm #1144778What bothered me most of the Texas massacre was that the boy went out and purchased 350 clips and no one questioned that on purchase. That mistake of owner not notifying f.b.i. that first error. Application forms are different in each state but basic same qurstions. Have u ever been convicted of crime. License ever revoked and reason so forth.
Never recall mental status as i did get a license once. But i think that is questions like birthdate as privacy act and do not ask if i recall right.
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
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