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  • #3263

    True Lies One


    I Love this…mysterious, and interesting…another title for this could have been “Another Dimension”….this is a MUST read poem!! :lol: :lol:



    Is this even a poem?
    I thought it was just a lot
    Of very short sentences

    With spaces in between
    Another title could have been
    The Electricity Man Cometh (geddit?)


    As I know your a leg puller ,I suppose it’s a waste of time telling you there are hundreds of forms of poetry .
    I once read a poem published saying:-
    The sea is blue 7 times
    the eigth line saying But look again.
    Poetry is how the reader percieves it
    I don’t know why I’m even saying all this
    Cya James :wink:


    No, William, I was being serious. I believe there are hundreds of variations on poetry, I just don’t see how this is one of them. It’s potentially a very short story with an interesting twist but could someone explain to me how it can be classed as poetry?


    Does it really matter ,this is not a poetry site.
    I don’t remember putting a label up saying I only write poetry.
    You really are a arguementative PERSON
    Remind me never to share a drink with you
    Or anything else for that matter


    well you say if I want to comment, I should comment – then, when I do comment you think I am being argumentative. I told you i didn’t know what i was talking about so am asking for an explanation. I would be interested in debating/discussing but I am NOT interested in fighting. You would probably drink lager anyway William :wink:


    James I understand what you are saying most people don’t know there are SOOOO many forms of poetry.

    You know I don’t write haiku’s because to me that’s not poetry, but it really is.

    That is why I am glad the acrostic and the limerick thread were started these are two forms of poetry. Poetry comes in a lot of forms. I hope that helps a little. What William wrote could be classified as “prose.”



    thanks wolf – a lot there for me to read through and understand so it will take time, probably months. It may well be ‘prose’; but I don’t see that on the list so does that mean it was NOT poetry i.e. I was right (not that I am bothered about being right, i just want to understand why I am wrong!!!).


    Most poets I know write in prose it’s easier to write and some like it better.

    You are not wrong just confused :roll: …it is poetry, just in “prose form”


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