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17 July, 2022 at 11:39 am #1145246
Looks like rodge and linda are both suffering from very late onset dementia. Poor luvvies, and only a part time nurse to wipe their botties.
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
17 July, 2022 at 1:35 pm #1145250Lol andy pandy.
Well if u think we have dementia, what ur excuse, alzheimer advanced stage?
Better find u a nurse to do your research, read the “Sun” to you because they not doing a very good job!
Have a very lovely day.
17 July, 2022 at 2:37 pm #1145251Just got off the phone to coneheed oh boy can they talk a lot of 💩 but all I could really understand from all the gibberish was milky lived in a hostel pretending to own it begging for spare change for drugs n alcohol eating out at food banks just like coneheed with the same angle of having bird books and other things sent by senile naive desperate old ladies with no teeth and conning them of cash which all I can say is you were warned off all of us here at JC and now you crave pity but all the best linda as now Lau n milky are getting married and met on ukc dating behind your back which we all seen coming
17 July, 2022 at 4:52 pm #1145252U know tart u are a very pleasant person. Ty for the read.
Btw I am not old and I have teeth.
The only ailment I see here is I have or had eye vision issues as he came to me.. not me to him… I was totally blinded by a con chatter. I did become a victim of emotional and mental abuse. Pity, yup I worry about the next victim it may pursue. It was a very long time.
So hope u happy with ur nasty dig at Me, more so. Suck on a lollipop and enjoy.
And by the way I dont use alcholol or weed to move on..I need a slight hug every once in awhile as I was so nieve and stupid with many regrets for rest of my living days.
What u and folks like u at JC never really knew of me I always spoke truth, i am a loving and caring person, always have been (guess upbringing) and I hurt very deeply as u not know my true life story. Like many not easy. However my journeys most often difficult rides. My dad RIP always said I was a very rare find but always called me a SURVIVOR. Proud of my work but sad for my well bad experiences with only really 2 in my life. First dick who mentally and physically abused me many many years on end. The second whom I thought would turn my world around did exactly that, and found out well…
So be well and happy.
Only real wish i had right now is I wish my Dad could be here right now so I coukd cry on his shoulders, hug me and pull my hair, wipe my tears from eyes daily,and say “Remember you my survivor.” That is what i think of every day now..
So enjoy…
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21 July, 2022 at 8:41 am #1145283Hugs Linda x
21 July, 2022 at 2:25 pm #1145285Ty kenty. Does provide comfort. I was so so errrr. Think u know someone and u dont really. All lies from day one. What slut it is. Lol.
21 July, 2022 at 3:26 pm #1145286if you were to read f1 instead of being in pms with admin you will have seen ive resigned from chat and boards,theres no point me being mods here really im far to intelligent for this place im sick of getting no replies,no thoughts no feedback ok i do dumb down my grammarbut thats cos i have to deal with idiots
i mean look at the mods in here a shambolic trio of lunatics they remind me of the keystone kops bumbling about bumping into walls a er is it my turn to ban cosy? look your ha “job” like unpaid and that isnt just about banning its about contributing doing threads etc ukc is wiping the floor with you you fckn dinosaurs yet you sit there and wont do fck all about it kin mods lol,well i was going to say ban me then for er let me think? oh i know insubordination to a high ranking unpaid superior thatll do just show some spirit you witches of eastwick aka ld le and gd and fight for your site as ive said on other posts i wont be going in ukc ive got far better sites to go in,FAR BETTER but you mods just carry on till this site will an inevability fold i might keep an eye out for increasement as in say 50 posters but until that happens deal me out im sick of talking to myself and i know for a fact others are thats why even tho ukc is shitt you get so many ex jcers in there no i wont mention them all im sure you know.
so thats it im out till you sort it ttfn.
1 August, 2022 at 12:46 am #1145363Linda we all learn by our mistakes, I’m sure he will learn by his wish you all the best Linda hope you can move on ❤️
2 August, 2022 at 10:12 am #1145368lol Known wonder they ban you cosy id ban you to
9 August, 2022 at 8:47 am #1145403i couldnt be arsed to read the 1st post. but i thought id tresspass the thread to make it look like anybody even comes here.
mwah x
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
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