Well, you know the links at the top, (register, search etc).. How do you go about adding new links in there. Such as, Quizzes, and send it to a HTML page. :-k
Good job I remembered to back my files up, I tried adding a link earlier, and it took the entire bloody boards down !!!! PHPbb doesn’t half like to throw a tantrum if you get one little tiny thing wrong :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I’m quite enjoying learning all this stuff. Giving me a headache, though, information overload! :lol:
The coders hate me, y’know. They have to follow me around in FTP fixing everything I keep breaking by playing with the codes :lol: but, it’s the only way to learn in my opinion! [-( I like to learn by myself, and I’m quite a fast learner.
I haven’t had any sleep, so, I’m rather hyped up right now on caffeine. Does it show?! :lol: