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  • #6784

    Can Martin, or anyone else here who are quite clever at editing PHPbb files, tell me how to edit the Terms of Service? :)

    I want to take out the 13 year old agreement link. It’s well gay. It needs to say 18.


    Yes I know how to do that.

    Its very simple.


    Stop lying please. It’s offensive. Thanks! o/


    Thanks to Martin’s, I have now figured out how to edit the TOS. Martin.. Keep up the good work on your blog! There are some very excellent & helpful tips. Thanks a lot!! Woohoo.

    Now I’m going to go play with those language files some more :lol:


    Now I’m trying to figure out how to edit the links :-k


    Glad you figured it out – if you need any help just give me a shout.


    Well, you know the links at the top, (register, search etc).. How do you go about adding new links in there. Such as, Quizzes, and send it to a HTML page. :-k

    Good job I remembered to back my files up, I tried adding a link earlier, and it took the entire bloody boards down !!!! PHPbb doesn’t half like to throw a tantrum if you get one little tiny thing wrong :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I’m quite enjoying learning all this stuff. Giving me a headache, though, information overload! :lol:

    The coders hate me, y’know. They have to follow me around in FTP fixing everything I keep breaking by playing with the codes :lol: but, it’s the only way to learn in my opinion! [-( I like to learn by myself, and I’m quite a fast learner.

    I haven’t had any sleep, so, I’m rather hyped up right now on caffeine. Does it show?! :lol:


    The links are in the template overall_header.tpl


    I’m going to test it offline first before risking editing the actual online file.. :lol:

    Right, catch you in a couple of days, I’ll let you know how it turns out! Going to go play with the tpl files offline for a while, see what damage I can do! :lol:

    Keep up the blog! 8) I’m really interested in learning this stuff.


    There easy to edit just make sure u dont use {L_FAQ} and u use {CHAT} for example

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