Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Tony Martin tapes

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  • #1109675

    So basically even in Rootin’ Tootin’ Gun happy America they realise that to kill in these circumstances, ie: planned and ”lying in wait” …  well…. it’s ‘well fucked up ‘ !!


    My Spellings not good,my education is im happy with.


    Tony Martin case giving homeowners far more power and protection against arrest for dealing with theaves.

    Thats great,people should be abel to protect themselvs,as long as they dont murder anyone.


    You dont annoy me Rudy,i like educating people :yes:


    e, unfortunately his new defence team used evidence of a mental health issue which the Judges could not morally dismiss.

    Utter rubbish, he was let out due to public outrage not a psych report which was used as an excuse. Find me an eg of a killer blowing someones head off doing just 3 years in prison based on a psych report.

    The courts, the judges, every man and his dog bar a few liberals felt Tony Martin was harshly treated and these reports were used to cover up a gaping gap in the law instead of admitting the real reason they let him out.

    Infact in the years since, new laws have come out regarding the rights of the homeowner directly as a consequence of the Tony Martin case giving homeowners far more power and protection against arrest for dealing with vermin

    well that may be your expert opinion, he did have some support, not that much, the police set up camp outside his house due to the anger towards him from the majority of the public, after he was released. You can ”bullshit” all you like Rude, I’m just stating facts, not just my opinion …. They had to release him after 3 years as manslaughter holds a mandatory sentence and 3 years is the longest you can imprison someone unless they show bad behaviour… oh and he didn’t blow his head off he shot him in the back


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by  mooosey88.

    Jamie, you do realise that when people start making a personal attack for no reason such as ‘fealds, gypo scum, caravans etc’ it’s because they look a bit silly…..  :yes:


    Incidentally creepy scep, funny you have started piping up again when you think you have a few allies. 

    I’ve not got any allies here, nor do I look for them.

    One thing – hopefully the only thing – I have n common with you is that if I don’t like someone, or disagree wiht someone, I speak out. I’m not a coward who agrees with everyone so that I can be popular.

      I am openly against all aspects of Islam yet you defend it every chance you get. A man that supports a cult which subjugates women as property of their husbands promoting violence/hatred against infidels ( non believers) has the brass nerve to then call me misogynist and barbaric for sympathising with Tony Martin. Nothing strange or hypocritical about that all of course :wacko: 

    I haven’t called you any of those things here – not explicitly.

    Yet you call me pro-Muslim, whihc is definitely not the case. I find Islam a very unappealing religion.

    But I really like the Muslims I’ve known as kind, considerate and caring people.

    Are you kind, considerate and caring, Mr Clawhammer?

    And I will always – always – support the right of people to worship as they pelase, as long as they don’t get int eh way of others. Doesn’t’ make me a Muslim. Just a plain, old fashioned liberal when it comes to freedom of religion.


    AND freedom of speech. There are limits to that, though. The language you used here, and your thoughts, are violent, and would scare me if I were a Traveller. I’m not going to report you to anyone for someone of the things you said on this post, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if someone did, you unpleasant bigot.

    1 member liked this post.

    Incidentally creepy scep, funny you have started piping up again when you think you have a few allies.

    I’ve not got any allies here, nor do I look for them.

    One thing – hopefully the only thing – I have n common with you is that if I don’t like someone, or disagree wiht someone, I speak out. I’m not a coward who agrees with everyone so that I can be popular.

    I am openly against all aspects of Islam yet you defend it every chance you get. A man that supports a cult which subjugates women as property of their husbands promoting violence/hatred against infidels ( non believers) has the brass nerve to then call me misogynist and barbaric for sympathising with Tony Martin. Nothing strange or hypocritical about that all of course :wacko:

    I haven’t called you any of those things here – not explicitly.

    Yet you call me pro-Muslim, whihc is definitely not the case. I find Islam a very unappealing religion.

    But I really like the Muslims I’ve known as kind, considerate and caring people.

    Are you kind, considerate and caring, Mr Clawhammer?

    And I will always – always – support the right of people to worship as they pelase, as long as they don’t get int eh way of others. Doesn’t’ make me a Muslim. Just a plain, old fashioned liberal when it comes to freedom of religion.

    AND freedom of speech. There are limits to that, though. The language you used here, and your thoughts, are violent, and would scare me if I were a Traveller. I’m not going to report you to anyone for someone of the things you said on this post, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if someone did, you unpleasant bigot.


    I know,water off a ducks back.I would be wary of him though.


    Good on him , one less scumbag in the world to deal with. In America the boards would not even be debating this online but of course here it’s a “wicked old man”.

    Actually this situation is a huge talking point in America , The Byron David Smith Killings is one case . This guy ” lay in wait” for his 2 teenage victims , he shot them separately and minutes apart, So he was convicted of 2 counts of first degree murder with premeditation and 2 counts of 2nd degree murder, his sentence, Life Imprisonment without parole. In the US they have the ”castle doctrine” which allows a home owner to defend his home with lethal force, however the law doesn’t allow you to execute someone when the threat is gone, ie: running away…. so in this case the first shot wounded one teenager, threat removed ! he carried on shooting then went and shot the other teenage girl, he had moved his car away from his home to make it look he wasn’t at home, used, prosecutors say, as a lure, he also video’d the whole thing, capturing the shootings and his monologue.

    ”Lying in wait” is a legal term in the castle doctrine, simplistically put , you cant use a ‘set up’ to lay waiting for the intruder so you can kill them on your property. 92% of US states consider ‘lying in wait’ 1st degree murder.

    It’s really a hot debate over there !!!

    TBH American law is more farcical than Uk law and in many murder cases the courts are kangaroo courts with the evidence needed to convict fairly minimal compared to over here. You may be familiar with the ” hiccup killer ” who  was on a piers morgan documentary some time back – she had a bf who killed some ex lover of hers but the court accepted she only meant for him to be beaten up. Florida law states that it’s irrelevant and she is guilty of murder even tho she was 100 miles away at the time.

    My point which seems to have been lost once again, is the ” law ” is irrelevant in this debate when discussing what’s right or wrong. Any person here could be found guilty of something leading to incarceration , it’s only the clinically insane like Hugs and Winks who would think otherwise as he phones Scotland yard above it all.


    My Spellings not good,my education is im happy with.

    You shouldn’t be

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