Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Tony Martin tapes

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  • #1109857

    Look Ge i know Rudeboy a has different vew on Toney Martin,I understand that.I dont think he has the right to go on and on about me being a travler.He is being abusive and not just to me,to mooose,soph and scep.Not onley that but my writing abilitys.You know i dont mind banter and i can take a fight,i can stick up for myself no problem.He is relentless.I started the thread thinking it would be a good subject for debate,but he has taken it so personal.Went off the scale with abuse,tonting,goading,very insulting.I have some valid points,so does Rudeboy,mooose,scep and yourself.Surley we can express them withought a tirade of abuse.I have called him daft and stuped,because to me thats how hes acting.Acting he is he obviously intelligent and knows what hes comming accross like.Im scared to say anything now even to you incase you come down on me too.I know for a fact Ge if anyone els say like kenty was being abused about her ethincity,i think you would stand up and say something.Now i dont want you or anyone els to fight over me,buy scep has stood up and sed something on my behalf and it was nice of him.He has got points to put forward too.



    Moon shut your f*cking cakehole. I stood up to ‘Rude’ and challenged his views when no one else did and when he threatened to kick my face in not a single one of you chumps defended me. Stick your bullsh*t now where the sun doesn’t shine and don’t involve me in your board sh*t now.


    Thanks a lot.




    Incidentally I have a list of groups of people I despise which isnt just limited to gypsies, they include for eg



    Morbidly obese chain smoking slobs getting help from the NHS

    Hood wearing teenagers carrying a ghetto blaster down the road


    Sexual deviants

    Are you going to report all of those as “hate crimes” or just gypsies as the media have decided setting up in a field in a filthy trailer is acceptable and we shouldn’t complain? Most police are too terrified to come out due to fear of reprisals from this poor afflicted “community”. I can just imagine the moose and Mrs S supping your afternoon tea peering out of your window” oh look a lovely family of gypsies have parked up in the field at the back of my house, I’ll pop around for some sugar later”. Characters like you would be the first on the phone to the town hall voicing your disproval but online ” it’s racist” ( as long as they aren’t near me).

    I can’t stand preaching windbags like you, you represent everything that’s wrong with the Uk in 2018 saturated in a smug sense of self importance as a paragon of virtue when in reality you’re far worse than the people you pitifully attempt to condemn. As an adult male, I’ll decide who I like/dislike or even hate based on my own moral compass without being dictated to by some ponce like you on what’s a ” hate crime” or not.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by  rudeboy.

    What the hells the matter with you?Im not that long on the boards,so have no idea what your on about.Dont talk to me like that.The abuse your giving scep since iv been on here has been relentless too.I dont care about your fuids and boards problems but dont take the out on me.All i want to do is post.Whats the matter with you men,iv never came across men like you.So nasty so abusive.You wouldent talk to a man like that face to face,What cowerds you are.

    1 member liked this post.

    What the hells the matter with you?Im not that long on the boards,so have no idea what your on about.Dont talk to me like that.The abuse your giving scep since iv been on here has been relentless too.I dont care about your fuids and boards problems but dont take the out on me.All i want to do is post.Whats the matter with you men,iv never came across men like you.So nasty so abusive.You wouldent talk to a man like that face to face,What cowerds you are.

    I don’t know who this is addressed to, but stand alone in your arguments without asking for others to help you. If you need help to validate your views, probably best not to make them.. you’re shit stirring on this thread like a child



    What the hells the matter with you?Im not that long on the boards,so have no idea what your on about.Dont talk to me like that.The abuse your giving scep since iv been on here has been relentless too.I dont care about your fuids and boards problems but dont take the out on me.All i want to do is post.Whats the matter with you men,iv never came across men like you.So nasty so abusive.You wouldent talk to a man like that face to face,What cowerds you are.

    I would talk to a man like that to his face. You’re a f*cking idiot who turned on me in Patschat when I defended you against “gypsy” abuse and to me you’re not worth a dime. I have seen you type far worse abuse than anything said on these boards.


    Now leave me out of your board shittery AND the sleazy old fart manipulating you to fire his bullets.


    Thanks a lot.





    .Whats the matter with you men,

    Sexist and a hate crime  :yes:   I know you prefer Sophias posts of “wanking chariots” and “retards”


    Rude boy,I havent had a drink in ages,my drinking days are over.I have never traveld in a caravan in my life.I have never used anyones elses money to buy drink,I have payd tax in the past.I dont care what you think of traveling people.You obviously feel strongley and feel challanged.Your not coping with it.So your taking it out on people with your abuse.You have went of the scale because i am right about tony Martin and you know your wrong.You wont make it right with abuse.


    What the hells the matter with you?Im not that long on the boards,so have no idea what your on about.Dont talk to me like that.The abuse your giving scep since iv been on here has been relentless too.I dont care about your fuids and boards problems but dont take the out on me.All i want to do is post.Whats the matter with you men,iv never came across men like you.So nasty so abusive.You wouldent talk to a man like that face to face,What cowerds you are.

    I would talk to a man like that to his face. You’re a f*cking idiot who turned on me in Patschat when I defended you against “gypsy” abuse and to me you’re not worth a dime. I have seen you type far worse abuse than anything said on these boards.

    Now leave me out of your board shittery AND the sleazy old fart manipulating you to fire his bullets.

    Thanks a lot.


    fgs dont tell porkeys to win an argument.You was the one who turned on me.I never asked you to help me.I have never pmd you and asked you for emails or anything like that,but thats what you told people.Piss off,i cant be done with full grown men acting like little princesses.No you wouldent talk like that to a man face to face.All you men who carry on with your nasty lies and sniping are all cowerds ge.


    Rude boy,I havent had a drink in ages,my drinking days are over.I have never traveld in a caravan in my life.I have never used anyones elses money to buy drink,I have payd tax in the past.I dont care what you think of traveling people.You obviously feel strongley and feel challanged.Your not coping with it.So your taking it out on people with your abuse.You have went of the scale because i am right about tony Martin and you know your wrong.You wont make it right with abuse.

    What kind of arrogance is ” I am right about Tony Martin and you know your wrong” supposed to engineer as a reply? I know nothing of the sort, I stand by my statements and incidentally any arguments haven’t originated because of your gypsy status, it’s to do with the content of your posts.

    If you expect reasoned debate it’s probably best not to call posters ” stuped” and try to articulate a reasonable response with your thinking behind it. I’d have called the thieves scum whether they were gypsies or not and believe anyone found in an individuals property robbing it should be executed. If you want to weep into a box of tissues whilst creepy scep tells us of a harrowing rendition of the thief saying “mum” clutching a mothers day card before he croaked that’s your prerogative- I have my views and you have yours yet still refrained from calling you stupid before you started your nonsense.


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