Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Tony Martin tapes

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  • #1109775

    I concur , and trust me that,s not easy to say. Rude, I haven’t been hiding luv, I did post Id be away for a day or so ? did you not get the memo ?

    My opinion has always switched rapidly on Rudeboys’s posts, on some he seems to type like an intelligent man who is passionate about his beliefs, and makes some valid points, even if I disagree with them, the Hugs and Wink attacks were very personal and although I found / find Hugs annoying and strange and totally frustrating I found some posts directed at him over the top, not my issue though. However, the mood swing towards Jamie was mind blowing, a few days ago he was almost, almost polite when responding to her…. all of a sudden he turned vile in his ridicule, was it because he was made to look silly on this thread having had a tantrum about people using mental health issues as an excuse to mitigate crime ( his words ) only to discover this is what his hero did ? or even worse, was it because Jamie said she came from a travellers family, far from ashamed of it I’m pleased to say, nor should she be ! I know she has been happily married for 30 years and lived in the same community that time as well for the record ! If its the latter reason, then shamefully he really has shown his true colours, those of a nasty bigot. I also have to say I’m surprised some ‘friends’ of Jamie’s still have a giggle with this man. I expect a torrent of abuse, describing me as an abusing, crusty, ugly , ancient, smelly, unloved, spinster, why not throw in I have boils n warts lol ….. however I don’t give a shit !!! lo,l I’m non of those but quite frankly it doesn’t mean diddly squat . Rude is just a name on a message board, who doesn’t actually know me, hasn’t seen me and knows nothing or next to nothing about anybody else, so the crude but very vivid descriptions of people are all fantasy, all in his own head ! We can all come up with disgusting descriptions of what we ‘think’ people may look like. It means nothing and is worth even less. Those with children, do you teach your kids to behave this way ? To treat others who are ‘different’ from you this way ? ? If so, stop worrying about effing Brexit, this country is fucked anyway !!

    :negative: :negative: :negative:

    Moosey you are one of the biggest hypocrites on here, you take great pleasure in pulling me up for responding to your backward “dyslexic ” friend after receiving continual insults yet when another member of your little social circle Sophia pipes up talking about retards and children wanking, you’re nowhere to be seen.

    A hypocrite like creepy scep with your head buried so far up your own pompous arsehole you need a light switch to find your way out I’m afraid. Where did I say Tony Martin was my hero? Are you really that thick you can’t grasp the simple concept of me not believing he should have been jailed so understanding him ” playing  the system” to get early release? How does that translate to me agreeing mental health should be used to mitigate crime simply because he took advantage of a ridiculous law?


    I concur , and trust me that,s not easy to say. Rude, I haven’t been hiding luv, I did post Id be away for a day or so ? did you not get the memo ?

    My opinion has always switched rapidly on Rudeboys’s posts, on some he seems to type like an intelligent man who is passionate about his beliefs, and makes some valid points, even if I disagree with them, the Hugs and Wink attacks were very personal and although I found / find Hugs annoying and strange and totally frustrating I found some posts directed at him over the top, not my issue though. However, the mood swing towards Jamie was mind blowing, a few days ago he was almost, almost polite when responding to her…. all of a sudden he turned vile in his ridicule, was it because he was made to look silly on this thread having had a tantrum about people using mental health issues as an excuse to mitigate crime ( his words ) only to discover this is what his hero did ? or even worse, was it because Jamie said she came from a travellers family, far from ashamed of it I’m pleased to say, nor should she be ! I know she has been happily married for 30 years and lived in the same community that time as well for the record ! If its the latter reason, then shamefully he really has shown his true colours, those of a nasty bigot. I also have to say I’m surprised some ‘friends’ of Jamie’s still have a giggle with this man. I expect a torrent of abuse, describing me as an abusing, crusty, ugly , ancient, smelly, unloved, spinster, why not throw in I have boils n warts lol ….. however I don’t give a shit !!! lo,l I’m non of those but quite frankly it doesn’t mean diddly squat . Rude is just a name on a message board, who doesn’t actually know me, hasn’t seen me and knows nothing or next to nothing about anybody else, so the crude but very vivid descriptions of people are all fantasy, all in his own head ! We can all come up with disgusting descriptions of what we ‘think’ people may look like. It means nothing and is worth even less. Those with children, do you teach your kids to behave this way ? To treat others who are ‘different’ from you this way ? ? If so, stop worrying about effing Brexit, this country is fucked anyway !!

    :negative: :negative: :negative:

    Moosey you are one of the biggest hypocrites on here, you take great pleasure in pulling me up for responding to your backward “dyslexic ” friend after receiving continual insults yet when another member of your little social circle Sophia pipes up talking about retards and children wanking, you’re nowhere to be seen.

    A hypocrite like creepy scep with your head buried so far up your own pompous arsehole you need a light switch to find your way out I’m afraid. Where did I say Tony Martin was my hero? Are you really that thick you can’t grasp the simple concept of me not believing he should have been jailed so understanding him ” playing the system” to get early release? How does that translate to me agreeing mental health should be used to mitigate crime simply because he took advantage of a ridiculous law?

    Sophia wasn’t talking about retards and wanking she was talking about you, what part of that didn’t you get?  I’ll try and explain if you like ?

    Did I say you agreed with Mental Health being used to mitigate ?

    I suggest you calm down and take a breath…

    I didn’t respond to anyone as i didn’t come online ok ?

    A bit lack lustre Rude,  I think they’ll be more once you’ve calmed down …..


    I expect a torrent of abuse, describing me as an abusing, crusty, ugly , ancient, smelly, unloved, spinster, why not throw in I have boils n warts lol ….. however I don’t give a shit !!!

    :negative: :negative: :negative:

    Always amusing the noble Moose playing victim,when you referred to me as – ” A spotty 17 year old with a tiny dick ” yet have the audacity once again to masquerade as some sort of guru on here above it all looking down on those that insult when you perpetrate what in your eyes amounts to the heinous cyber crimes you accuse others of. Unfortunately if you can’t practice what you preach, probably time you stop preaching setting yourself up on a pulpit dictating your sermon on how others should behave- it’s cringeworthy. I’ve never once on here claimed to be a virtuous whiter than white character yet all I hear from you is whining about how offended you are when you are talking about posters having tiny dicks etc .. hardly grounds for any type of sermon to be conducted on behaviour now is it from the noble Moose,


    Why tell heavies when I don’t know your address, and don’t want to know your address?

    You’re safe, don’t worry your head. I don’t advocate personal violence, even in the posturing fight talk that you and Gerry used to play.

    I just really felt for Jamie having to put up with your filth about ‘gypos’. There is an ugly tradition behind hatred of travellers, and it goes back way, way beyond Hitler


    Your general style here does make me wonder whether you were brought up like this. Was that the way your dad talked when you were growing up; maybe your mam too.

    I was never allowed to talk about people in the way you shoot your mouth off. Some people on the council estate I grew up in did talk like that, but they made me sick to listen to their violent emotional crap even when i was a child.


    But I did notice recently a comment from the US science-fiction writer Robert Henlein which reminded me of you and of Britain as it’s become in the last 30 years.

    “Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named…but a dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot.”





    I expect a torrent of abuse, describing me as an abusing, crusty, ugly , ancient, smelly, unloved, spinster, why not throw in I have boils n warts lol ….. however I don’t give a shit !!!

    :negative: :negative: :negative:

    Always amusing the noble Moose playing victim,when you referred to me as – ” A spotty 17 year old with a tiny dick ” yet have the audacity once again to masquerade as some sort of guru on here above it all looking down on those that insult when you perpetrate what in your eyes amounts to the heinous cyber crimes you accuse others of. Unfortunately if you can’t practice what you preach, probably time you stop preaching setting yourself up on a pulpit dictating your sermon on how others should behave- it’s cringeworthy. I’ve never once on here claimed to be a virtuous whiter than white character yet all I hear from you is whining about how offended you are when you are talking about posters having tiny dicks etc .. hardly grounds for any type of sermon to be conducted on behaviour now is it from the noble Moose,

    Rude I told you to get a grip as you were coming across as a spotty 17 yr old with a tiny dick, can’t you see the difference ? really ?

    Ok explain to me why all the ‘caravan jokes ‘?



    And in No Way am I a victim !  certainly not to you !! I really don’t think I ever play the ‘victim’ ever  as I said  I couldnt give a flying fuck what you think I look like, smell like . etc etc  its all gibberish and make believe    why on earth would that upset me ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by  mooosey88.

    You insult people all the time, yet someone call’s you ‘stuped’ and silly and you create like you’ve been abused in the worst possible way, giving you the excuse to lambaste people with horrible ridicule ? The irony is mammoth !!


    For the record Rude, jamie is a really really nice lady. She’s had her up’s and down’s, and she is her own biggest critic. It’s very easy to target someone who has a history and enemies. We all know youve been called worse than stupid by people, we all also know that didn’t reallyyyyy upset you , it was just your excuse ….


    It is what it is as I’ve already said, a small clique of lonely geriatrics defending each others obscenities whilst accusing others of “trolling” in response. Here are the last few posts from one of your little F3 knitting club members Sophia with not a critical word in sight  of course from creepy scep and the Moose. Creepy Scep talks about upbringing, but no doubt this illustrates a fine, civilised upbringing as a real lady

    “Rudy, stop being so repetitive thats another toddlers trait you keep portraying. You dont know my age infact you know fuck all about me or other chatters in here except your sad own self and your own special needs. Everyone can see how stupid you are yet you keep coming back like a rash.  shyte you post hahaha. Rudy dont you know your our daily entertainment and like the tv we can simply turn you off :)

    “Rudy is properly oops I did it again corrects typo ” probably” The little boy is probably still in his wanking chariot dreaming about what crap and abuse he can dish out today. Don’t forget posters Rudy posts are gospel and other posters comments are wrong. Watch out for his little tantrums .We have all gone through this sort of behaviour with our own 3 year olds.”

    “Hey rudy i forgot , any chance of seeing your pic hahaha i very much doubt it , all you can show are silly little scrawled childlike amateur tattoos.”

    “Some tossers just don’t know when to give up looking a wanker….”

    “Jamie , this dope is nothing but a habitual argumentive stoker. His likes have stong narcissistic tendencies: in other words, they are very self absorbed. He keeps saying he doesnt post a lot hahaha I think he feels threatened and hes a chronic blamer, others or the world are always at fault. He even wants to meet people to fight with them! him and his little under matured muscles. I always remind these idiots they most proberley like to feel power and control over others. Hes right were wrong haha the moron even thinks were all aged grannies ! then why doesn’t he fuck off and spend his time wasting it with younger ones?? i for sure wouldn’t want his company no matter what age it is. He gives the impression he doesnt like woman proberly hits on his own. He needs to deal with his anger issues. he can be who he want to be in cyber land but dont forget bogboy opps big boy other people have the right to form an opinion too. Dont like it fuck off and find something more productive to do with your wasted time.”

    “Jamie, i witnessed the prick calling you Rose West! its possible hes forgotten what name he abused you in . Jamie is a very intelligent woman her spelling might be a little wonky but remember this when you are spewing out your verbal shyte Albert Einstein was dyslexic.”


    All courtesy of the lovely Sophia a ” troll buster ” fitting all the criteria that I’m accused of by the knitting circle. Obnoxious abuse, references to retards which no doubt creepy scep would be mentioning is a disgrace to the disabled community with his ready to report status if a male said it citing long lost great grandfather Bernard in the nazi camps tortured for not being able bodied. Ccomments on appearance which the noble moose takes great exception to amongst a whole host of other written gibberish but did we hear anything from The Moose or creepy Scep? Just the sound of his unbuckling his belt buckle on a female chatter being present  and Moosey clicking like on this tirade of abuse still looking for the lightswitch up her arsehole . :yes:


    You’re safe, don’t worry your head. I don’t advocate personal violence,

    That’s because you’re a coward trying to win points online for saying someone is a nazi sympathiser for talking about gypsies being lawless.

Viewing 10 posts - 111 through 120 (of 219 total)

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