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23 November, 2018 at 3:55 pm #1109746
Diarrhea. Lol. X
Diarrhoea *
23 November, 2018 at 6:23 pm #1109749Tony Martin done what anyone of us would do after finding or home burgled god knows how many times.As for him saying to someone im gunna shot the next one can be put down to how many times have you heard someone say i will kill them next time but they never do.
To me he done something after getting pushed to far.The same as Alex Blackman bu in Alexs case the UK turned there back on him.Hero in my book.
I have 4 boys mooosey,taught them all to shoot,hunt but also taught you only hunt for food never just the kill.
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23 November, 2018 at 6:40 pm #1109751And if anyone knows someone whos looking for a 5 gun gun safe (shotgun or rifle) point them my way
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23 November, 2018 at 8:06 pm #1109753Tony Martin done what anyone of us would do after finding or home burgled god knows how many times.
Absolutely, although if you were to believe the screaming banshees in this place, you would think Tony Martin is the anti Christ.
23 November, 2018 at 8:08 pm #1109754And if anyone knows someone whos looking for a 5 gun gun safe (shotgun or rifle) point them my way
If I see a fleet of caravans arrive at my front door with a woman looking like Rose west bashing her spell checker against the wall whilst glugging down some cheap cider, we may be able to discuss some business.
23 November, 2018 at 11:10 pm #1109763And if anyone knows someone whos looking for a 5 gun gun safe (shotgun or rifle) point them my way
If I see a fleet of caravans arrive at my front door with a woman looking like Rose west bashing her spell checker against the wall whilst glugging down some cheap cider, we may be able to discuss some business.
well, you can just hope that you’re not bring a claw hammer to a gunfight, to paraphrase an old film.
Jamie has said that your comments are like water off a duck’s back. I can imagine that. Ms K used to say that she grew up in an atmosphere of hate and petty violence directed against her community. My guess is that jamie grew up only too aware of the prejdice against her community too – a prejudice from people who don’t have the emotional intelligence to realise that because people have a different mindset and lifestyle doesn’t mean they’re inferior.
The ‘gypos’, as you call them, were prime victims of Hitler’s death camps. I’ve seen pics of ‘gypo’ children who were involved in medical experiments by Dr Mengele in the camps. Truly chilling and upsetting – to a liberal snowflake like me, anyway.
Actually, I think you’re too thick to be aware of the effect you have. Jamie must be made of tough stuff, because a lot of traveller women would be genuinely scared of these posts in this thread. Some of them made me feel bilious, and I have considered alerting someone to them – they step way way across the line in whihc fee speech becomes a violent form of discrimination. I’m not hugs – it’s not the police I was going to tell.
I’ve very very reluctant to report anyone on here, though. I sometimes wonder whether this is cowardice on my part? I hope not, as some of your posts genuinely disgusted me.
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23 November, 2018 at 11:37 pm #1109770Be disgusted and bore off you silly d1ckhead.. preaching about Hitler on a thread about Tony Martin lol. Tony Martin shot a couple of gypsies – that’s fact not supporting Hitler …. what’s next, misogyny against women, racism or transphobia as the gypsy had some lipstick on? No one can debate anything without some idiot taking it to ridiculous levels talking about Hitler and concentration camps with no perspective of anything. Most gypsies I’ve come across are law breaking drunks using their traveller lifestyle to excuse lawless behaviour. If you can’t handle that view without crying about “Hitler ” and children being tortured in camps which has no relevance to anything discussed toddle off and take your ridiculous tired clichés elsewhere.
23 November, 2018 at 11:42 pm #1109771I concur with Scep, and trust me that’s not easy to say. Rude, I haven’t been hiding luv, I did post Id be away for a day or so ? did you not get the memo ?
My opinion has always switched rapidly on Rudeboys’s posts, on some he seems to type like an intelligent man who is passionate about his beliefs, and makes some valid points, even if I disagree with them, the Hugs and Wink attacks were very personal and although I found / find Hugs annoying and strange and totally frustrating I found some posts directed at him over the top, not my issue though. However, the mood swing towards Jamie was mind blowing, a few days ago he was almost, almost polite when responding to her…. all of a sudden he turned vile in his ridicule, was it because he was made to look silly on this thread having had a tantrum about people using mental health issues as an excuse to mitigate crime ( his words ) only to discover this is what his hero did ? or even worse, was it because Jamie said she came from a travellers family, far from ashamed of it I’m pleased to say, nor should she be ! I know she has been happily married for 30 years and lived in the same community that time as well for the record ! If its the latter reason, then shamefully he really has shown his true colours, those of a nasty bigot. I also have to say I’m surprised some ‘friends’ of Jamie’s still have a giggle with this man. I expect a torrent of abuse, describing me as an abusing, crusty, ugly , ancient, smelly, unloved, spinster, why not throw in I have boils n warts lol ….. however I don’t give a shit !!! lo,l I’m non of those but quite frankly it doesn’t mean diddly squat . Rude is just a name on a message board, who doesn’t actually know me, hasn’t seen me and knows nothing or next to nothing about anybody else, so the crude but very vivid descriptions of people are all fantasy, all in his own head ! We can all come up with disgusting descriptions of what we ‘think’ people may look like. It means nothing and is worth even less. Those with children, do you teach your kids to behave this way ? To treat others who are ‘different’ from you this way ? ? If so, stop worrying about effing Brexit, this country is fucked anyway !!
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23 November, 2018 at 11:43 pm #1109772*don’s a tin hat and beams*
23 November, 2018 at 11:45 pm #1109773. Some of them made me feel bilious, and I have considered alerting someone to them –
Who are you going to tell creepy Scep, a bunch of heavies to come around and do me in for stating facts that Tony Martin executed one scumbag and tried to kill another? Feel free to pm me anytime if you ever wish to discuss the matter face to face instead of thinly veiled threats clogging up an internet message board. You can impress ” Mrs K or Mrs M or whatever silly name you next call a female chatter with tales of your bravery on here telling them that when you met me you saw a swastika emblazoned on my jacket confirming my ” right wing status” as a nazi you deranged lunatic
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