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    So can murder but it’s not remotely relevant to this debate now is it Lots of things are far more harmful than cannabis but that doesn’t mean cannabis is harmless. You want to take it, feel free, i dont have any objections whatsoever to be honest as long as it doesn’t cause harm to others. Alcohol and cigarettes are legal but i’m not going to defend cannabis because they’re legal and harmful.

    Oh and Gaz.. ALL ? whats that 4 maybe 5.. cannabis obviously has the ability to enhance insight and apply your statistical data to the whole force.. or was it you were a tad worried in case they found the drug on your person :wink:


    In terms of figures in context with what i say, the amount is un-important…..all could be 5 or 500……it matters not the slightest, what matters is that THE MAJORITY of that figure have been as described..

    The debate is concerning drugs…. the legitimate drugs available can cause some of the worst side effects…many years ago, i was prescribed prozak, after taking this i became extremely violent, i could not even take into consideration consequence…..within 1 week i flushed them away and overcome my problem through the use of herbs and mind over matter…. i have not seen a doctor in over ten years now thankfully….


    Nearly everyone I have ever come across who smokes cannabis always thinks it has no affect on them…….strange that inni?
    Of course it has a fuking affect, be it a small amount or a huge amount…and just because you take it soo fuking often doesnt mean your body is used to it so it really doesn’t have any affect at all.
    I love a drink…and boy oh boy can i knock back the vodka….but even after all these years of drinking I still feel different after one drink.
    People who smoke pot and think they can go about there every day life as normal and particularly those who RIDE BIKES really do need to GET OUT OF DENIAL!


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Nearly everyone I have ever come across who smokes cannabis always thinks it has no affect on them…….strange that inni?
    Of course it has a fuking affect, be it a small amount or a huge amount…and just because you take it soo fuking often doesnt mean your body is used to it so it really doesn’t have any affect at all.
    I love a drink…and boy oh boy can i knock back the vodka….but even after all these years of drinking I still feel different after one drink.
    People who smoke pot and think they can go about there every day life as normal and particularly those who RIDE BIKES really do need to GET OUT OF DENIAL!

    I smoke it, and of course it has an affect, that`s why I smoke it!
    Personally I think cannabis is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes, and people should be allowed to grow a certain amount for personal consumption,at least you have control over what you smoke then. Untill, and indeed if it becomes illegal, if I get caught I would expect a punishement of some sort. If you can`t do the time….don`t commit the crime.
    Cannabis use, especially long term has been linked with mental health problems, it can make them worse, as far as I know it doesn`t cause it. Bottom line is, we can argue about this as much as we like fact is it`s illegal, so if you smoke it, or grow it etc you can`t complain if you get caught. It would be great if we could all choose which laws apply to us wouldn`t it?
    Oh,and again, personally, if I smoke I make sure I don`t need to do anything, and would never chance driving (I don`t drive anyway, but you get my drift). It`s my choice whether to smoke, the least I can do is do it as responsibly as I can.


    @gazlan wrote:

    In terms of figures in context with what i say, the amount is un-important…..all could be 5 or 500……it matters not the slightest, what matters is that THE MAJORITY of that figure have been as described..

    dont talk such utter shite, you’re basing a police force as a whole on your experiences of 4 or 5 police officers. I used the same context you did and you’re backpedalling like hell. It’s as likely that because you smoke the stuff you were afraid you’d get caught and so you acted suspiciously

    these people who abuse their power far outnumber those who do not, i speak from personal experience

    so 5 officers 4 were less than professional and 4 FAR OUTNUMBERS 1 does it? The amount is important, indeed it’s bloody vital


    when i was about 18 i was provoked into a fight , the minute i reacted police swarmed on me , and i was lifted , a few weeks later i recognised the individual who baited me AND HE WAS IN UNIFORM ,set up


    When i was 18 i had no trouble with the police, when i was 19 i had no trouble with the police, when i was 20 i had no trouble with the police, when i was 21…. you get the picture.
    Actually when i was 18 i met 2 excellent police officers and one tosspot the very same night indeed the very same time the tosspot arriving and sodding up the good work being done by the other two


    I have never been in trouble with the police, or actually had many dealings with them, but whenever I have they have been wonderful. I do appreciate that there are some in uniform who shouldn`t be, but we shouldn`t judge the majority on the minority.

    Also, in my experience with police and cannabis, most police are not concerned with someone smoking a spliff as long as you`re not underage, or around children, or being blatant about it.


    dont talk such utter shite, you’re basing a police force as a whole on your experiences of 4 or 5 police officers. I used the same context you did and you’re backpedalling like hell. It’s as likely that because you smoke the stuff you were afraid you’d get caught and so you acted suspiciously

    You really are that thick………?
    The officers i have had personal experience with, the MAJORITY of them have been as bent as they come……..that better….? i repeat, there will be some with honourable intentions, more than likely, they will not progress…. OK …now you can distort that any which way you want to… my opinion/view/personal experience…..they stink… :wink:
    I have NEVER been convicted of a drug offence, they just aint quick enuff…. :)

    When i was 18 i had no trouble with the police, when i was 19 i had no trouble with the police, when i was 20 i had no trouble with the police, when i was 21…. you get the picture.
    Actually when i was 18 i met 2 excellent police officers and one tosspot the very same night indeed the very same time the tosspot arriving and sodding up the good work being done by the other two

    That makes 1/3rd …. :wink:


    You really are that thick………?

    is that a question ???

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