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  • #1077946

    grins yeh who shall I toy maul and play with first

    mr  q for his beano jokes

    just nothing,for am I a retard thread lol well you know it cracks me up that of course youre a retard  or you wouldn’t  have to ask the question

    king strongbow,er well sighs the tony Blackburn of jc our resident dj.

    orson kart

    Topics: 135
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    grins yeh who shall I toy maul and play with first

    mr  q for his beano jokes

    just nothing,for am I a retard thread lol well you know it cracks me up that of course youre a retard  or you wouldn’t  have to ask the question

    king strongbow,er well sighs the tony Blackburn of jc our resident dj.

     – [FART, response is very rubbish it is like he has a book saying – (how to be a troll), nothing new,  just all what is in the book, like some type of cooking book how to make idk flapjacks, always the same with these trolls, not many if any trolls are clever u see, they seem to copy each others behavours, like i said from a book – (how to be a troll), it just makes them look even more dumb when they copy other trolls insults, also –

    yes i thought @orson-kart is crazy  :wacko: when he thought i was being horrible to some chatter, when i asked them a ? about coding, so no shock from his answer, he might have autism or scitso, like a voice in his head saying “say he is horrible say he is horrible” lol, also I even asked him why he said I was being horrible to someone, he said he don’t know, obv a sign of scitso lol, so obv he needs better med, and a c.p.n to see if he is progressing good.]

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
    1 member liked this post.

    True King……one has to chill out some times to get ones energy back to deal with the week ahead. Recharge one’s battery’s so to speak.

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    Just…you’re  a great person and very like-able.


    im bewildered at you just nothing you really are what your name suggests

    listen look yeh how can any grown man rhyme my name  with fart?

    juvenile yes clever no

    nay infantile like little kids do in playgrounds

    you keep on rocking little boy blue lets have some more nursery kindergarten puns

    but lest they ever forget your name will allways be rememembered by me fondly

    aah just nothing by name and nature.





    ha did i say it rhymed? no kid, but u seem to be making a horrible smell on justchat, oh well we can not all have intelligents like me that understansd u are not right in the head kid, it is interesting you talk about nursery, as i thought u was a grown man, yet your brain is thinking of kids, like you are one of them, this is a 18+ website FART so, log out kid, once again a outstandendly rubbish boring responce from a troll ala ORSON FART, *claps for him to give him some confidence* also when u type it is like you type like you have some commuication prob you type like that chatter called justboy like for example – visa want uk need go now, lol anyway my opinion of what is wrong with you is correct, and yes you do have – toddler brain, so yes you would blv u are right, but the sane people know your are not right, anyway go get your med kid we dont want you making threats and thinking people are horrible to people, when in fact they are not horrible to people, it must be difficult having autism and scitso, when do you get a c.p.n?, as you dont seem to be progressing good *sighs*.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
    1 member liked this post.

    Hi JN


    1 member liked this post.

    Top of the morning…


    – [FART, response is very rubbish it is like he has a book saying – (how to be a troll), nothing new, he might have autism or scitso, like a voice in his head saying “say he is horrible say he is horrible” lol, also I even asked him why he said I was being horrible to someone, he said he don’t know, obv a sign of scitso lol, so obv he needs better med, and a c.p.n to see if he is progressing good.]

    I’d like to complain about the attitude to mental illness shown on this thread.

    Apart from the fact that ‘scitso’ should really be spelled schizo; and the grammatical problem (one of many) which says ‘He might have..schitso’ which should really read ‘he might have schizophrenia’..


    there is also a great ignorance of the meaning of ‘scitso’. We all have voices in our head warning us and suggesting things, but schizophrenic voices in the head are something far more nightmarish; often alien voices. I’ve known a small number of people with ‘scitso’ (an ill-defined problem, actually) and they either killed themselves or they suffered dreadfully. It really is not a joke. It’s a very severe mental health condition. You can start by looking at R.D.Laing’s classic, The Divided Self.

    Autism isn’t a joke, either. I’ve absolutely no idea of whether Cosy suffers from it; he once claimed he suffered from it as a child.

    Please show some respect.

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