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  • #478815

    @rubyred wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    but who asked the question? Was it me? I don’t recall…it may have been in a less lucid moment. A blonde moment maybe, or should I start calling them senior moments. NO, I flatly refuse to call them senior moments as long as there is blonde in my hair.

    Now…where are those hobnobs…maybe I ate them…or maybe that Rubes did…or maybe…

    Wait! What’s this? Oh crumbs….I sat on them!

    WELL thats just NOT cricket.. Ruin my Big Dramatic moment of morphing into a Hob Nob, why dont you !. There i was doing my breathing exercises too.

    Laughing so much here…. so funny :D


    Oh dear me what is this? It’s not a hobnob packet after all…it’s….it’s…..Rubes! I sat on Rubes mid-morph! what should I do? She’ll be missed, I know. Should I fake an illness? I don’t know if I can, I can’t keep quiet that long. Should I confess? I’ll be lynched…oh dear oh dear what shall I do…

    Oh there’s the hobnobs, how on earth did they end up there? And here’s my tea…ah well, all’s well that ends well :D


    THE moment has passed now !!! years of training at Madame Artefartes school for Duffers and wanna be actresses.. Now Puck off. ! As you Bloody well like it !


    Want a hobnob? :lol:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Want a hobnob? :lol:

    make it 2 Gypsy Creams and Im in !!


    You can have the whole packet :D


    might have to fight you for a gypsy cream…… wonder how many calories there are in one gypsy cream :?


    I dont even think you Get them now.. many a happy childhood memory of sucking the wee bits of coconut out my teeth. !


    whats a soli wotsit? is it a shakespeary thing,i know i write poems and songs,but i know jax about the stuff you lot are on about,so to help me out can you please contact me on my website @
    ty muchly.


    Try google, it’s a mine of useless information :wink:

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