Boards Index General discussion Getting serious To Badder-A Reality Check.

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  • #1122111

    Dealing with this is main or in discussion doesn’t work with you so I’ve come to your new playground on boards. Bads when I knew you ,you’d come in ,have a chat after work or after a night out, and despite you and a friend never getting on ,it wasn’t an issue. You were a friend. The new you sucks. So let’s cover bases here.

    One, you using a two year old staged voccaroo,you’ve corrected it since and sent me a new one but why the hell would you care what anyone thinks about where you’re from? You have an issue with class thinking it matters ,it doesn’t. I know plenty of people from all backgrounds that are amazing and funny and clever in their own right. That’s your hangup no one else’s.

    Two,Your choice of victim… Bit by bit various people have come forward with what you’ve done over three years..months bullying certain people.. the people you decided to bully were not the loud ones ,they were the people not here as much who are considered friendly, Blue,Laura,Claire others.. people who are generally likes by many.. that behaviour is very specific. Akin to children going to a good home and not understanding the new parents mean them no harm so they attack first because all they are used to is bad and they prefer that ,than good people because they don’t trust good people they are waiting on good people to turn on them. So they go all in to destroy first. Jealousy,rage,hate,anger,fear all rolled into one. That type of behaviour means that no one will stay around long enough for you to even realise they might never hurt you and actually be a good thing in your life. I remember what you told me about you.. don’t you think by doing this the only person being left alone is yourself so you’re just repeating the pattern? A form of self harming in a social sense.

    Three,people go into JC to chat,you have no right to abuse them for their political choices if they vote leave or remain it’s got fuck all to do with you frankly and calling them names is a pretty dumb way to solve anything. No one will listen to your rants because that’s all they can see, a mass rant by what looks like a crazed loon. You cannot discuss politics and expect to be heard if you’re ranting like a crazy person.

    Four, when you copy and paste a comment but omit the next sentence it means you’re maintaining a lie. No one wins an argument on a lie.

    Five, You’re allowed your insane theory that the world doesn’t need men,that’s your right. But you can’t cuss out anyone who you see has a good impression of men just because you don’t like it. And attacking people who are happy in a relationship is just silly and childish. If you’re unhappy ,do something about it.

    Six, spamming, spamming will not stop people talking ,laughing and getting on, if you don’t like it when it’s happy in there look away or leave, all you are doing it showing your own insecurity.

    I would of preferred to do this in private but your currently ranting and dribbling in F1 and trying to bite the ankles of anyone that says a word you don’t like so it wasn’t an option.



    Badder is a stalky old woman in her 60s and JC is her entire existence, show some mercy to her, this really is as good as it gets for her!







    Dealing with this is main or in discussion doesn’t work with you so I’ve come to your new playground on boards. Bads when I knew you ,you’d come in ,have a chat after work or after a night out, and despite you and a friend never getting on ,it wasn’t an issue. You were a friend. The new you sucks. So let’s cover bases here.

    One, you using a two year old staged voccaroo,you’ve corrected it since and sent me a new one but why the hell would you care what anyone thinks about where you’re from? You have an issue with class thinking it matters ,it doesn’t. I know plenty of people from all backgrounds that are amazing and funny and clever in their own right. That’s your hangup no one else’s.

    Two,Your choice of victim… Bit by bit various people have come forward with what you’ve done over three years..months bullying certain people.. the people you decided to bully were not the loud ones ,they were the people not here as much who are considered friendly, Blue,Laura,Claire others.. people who are generally likes by many.. that behaviour is very specific. Akin to children going to a good home and not understanding the new parents mean them no harm so they attack first because all they are used to is bad and they prefer that ,than good people because they don’t trust good people they are waiting on good people to turn on them. So they go all in to destroy first. Jealousy,rage,hate,anger,fear all rolled into one. That type of behaviour means that no one will stay around long enough for you to even realise they might never hurt you and actually be a good thing in your life. I remember what you told me about you.. don’t you think by doing this the only person being left alone is yourself so you’re just repeating the pattern? A form of self harming in a social sense.

    Three,people go into JC to chat,you have no right to abuse them for their political choices if they vote leave or remain it’s got fuck all to do with you frankly and calling them names is a pretty dumb way to solve anything. No one will listen to your rants because that’s all they can see, a mass rant by what looks like a crazed loon. You cannot discuss politics and expect to be heard if you’re ranting like a crazy person.

    Four, when you copy and paste a comment but omit the next sentence it means you’re maintaining a lie. No one wins an argument on a lie.

    Five, You’re allowed your insane theory that the world doesn’t need men,that’s your right. But you can’t cuss out anyone who you see has a good impression of men just because you don’t like it. And attacking people who are happy in a relationship is just silly and childish. If you’re unhappy ,do something about it.

    Six, spamming, spamming will not stop people talking ,laughing and getting on, if you don’t like it when it’s happy in there look away or leave, all you are doing it showing your own insecurity.

    I would of preferred to do this in private but your currently ranting and dribbling in F1 and trying to bite the ankles of anyone that says a word you don’t like so it wasn’t an option.

    wow again with the judging when youve not been coming in here for years.

    things changed here, you have no idea.  Badder was trolled to absolute f*ck and she went mental in the end and fought back.  I can relate to her to a certain extent as it happened to me.


    No point in offering her the olive branch she will sh1t on it then shove it up your ar**. its too little too late shes too far gone.  You patronise me and her and anyone who gets ‘trolled’ you are so ignorant its untrue.  You have no idea at all.

    I tried, she knows i have been through similar but she has had enough and is angry and does not give a flying crap about what anyone says anymore.

    I suggest you leave her the fck alone as you are more likely to make her more angry.

    or she may embrace you with open arms to be ‘strategic’ but i dont really think she cares anymore.

    this is what an unmoderated site does to good people.

    badder is a result of being continuously taken the piss out of.

    Dont give a dead rats arse if she says mean sh1t about me tbh.

    she was fine before, funny witty and nice.

    so was i

    i said before JC grows their own trolls.

    I aint sucking up to her but i do understand her

    so she thinks of me when she goes for a dump?

    whatever floats your boat love

    your anger at me being nice means bugger all to me

    and i am not ‘defending’ you cos i like you or agree with what you do or have done.  I am just pointing out to saramaxitwats she has no right to even judge or understand.

    abuse me

    much like you, i dont give a crap


    you think of me when you poo?

    gosh babe i never knew you though of me so much? so like every single day you think of me?

    WOW i will consider myself important then babe x


    the thought kinda turns me on a little x


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  Dangermousey.

    This was mercy. Frankly after everything I’ve heard she’s got upto the past three years I could of been far harsher but she was once a friend so this is as mild as I could really. This is her chance.


    This was mercy. Frankly after everything I’ve heard she’s got upto the past three years I could of been far harsher but she was once a friend so this is as mild as I could really. This is her chance.

    her chance? what at being mates with you???

    You who are two faced back stabbing and a total liar who tried to make people feel and look bad when you know its someone else doing shit? people you know yet you go along with it letting them take all the blame?

    I  dont hate badder.  If i did i would recommend she gave you a ‘chance’.

    Actually im sure she posted my pics up lol hey badder listen to sarapepsitwats shes normal sane and totally honest.

    i care less than she does


    I’m thinking of a 3 some

    me Badders and Mousey 😍


    Awwww sht, thought that said mooosey at 1st glance …






    Yes weirdos !!!

    It was a joke !! 👍🏼

    Remember what one of those were ??? 

    This was mercy. Frankly after everything I’ve heard she’s got upto the past three years I could of been far harsher but she was once a friend so this is as mild as I could really. This is her chance.

    Well I don’t know Badder, I’ve seen quite a bit of Sara on the boards since her apparent return

    if the above quote was directed at me I’d say

    “ shove your chance up your patronising arse please 😊”

    just saying, no offence like …..


    1 member liked this post.

    Seems very fond of pointing out to people what their bad points are does Sara….

    I’m not really sure how anyone has coped in her absence  !!

    I’ve a notepad and pen at the ready for mine …. let me guess…

    No 1.  Sarcasm ….

    doh !!

    1 member liked this post.

    “Could HAVE been “, “Could have been” not “Could OF been”

    “Frankly after everything I’ve heard she’s got upto the past three years I could of been far harsher”

    Someone needs to install Grammarly, girly  ;-)

    Awe she needs English lessons lol.  I can do you a deal @ 20 quid an hour girl :good:

    lmao the simpleton even listens to JC gossip lol.  Is there any hope for this simple racist bíatch, who feeds off my name daily on JC ?  lolol

    They say there is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is NOT being talked about.  ;-)

    Knock yourselves out the 2 Saras. B-)

    Sara on Boris Johnson’s remark about Muslim women looking like letter boxes>>> Ps it does look like letter boxes it was funny and it’s not racist ,you just have no sense of humour SaraPepsiMaxJul 23rd, 12:40:06 pm   :unsure:   :negative:

    1 member liked this post.

    oh babe my name is SARAH

    Use it dont lose it ;)


    Im doing them moves now in my kitchen.

    seriously feel bad and then put this song on and do the moves

    i always feel so much better!

    my soul mate gets it lol

    i will meet him in the next life or the one before lol

    He is just not here now.

    and neither is yours badder x

    now chill out woman pml

    this all means nothing

    when you stop feeling so angry you will just go back to your funny self without the venom

    just like me x


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