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  • #244528

    Huh…I finally get a Sunday lie-in and miss the excitement :roll: :roll:


    Lol – my wee man’s game is ‘let’s see how much destruction I can do in one day’…. :roll: :?


    @squeezy wrote:

    Lol – my wee man’s game is ‘let’s see how much destruction I can do in one day’…. :roll: :?

    lmao me mates came round yesterday wiv her wee man and his game was lets see how much mess can i make wiv a shredded up tissue and when we done that lets climb on the chair n fall off n make mum spend the next 4 hours in casualty grrrrrrr hes ok tho lol


    @cath 55 wrote:

    @squeezy wrote:

    Lol – my wee man’s game is ‘let’s see how much destruction I can do in one day’…. :roll: :?

    lmao me mates came round yesterday wiv her wee man and his game was lets see how much mess can i make wiv a shredded up tissue and when we done that lets climb on the chair n fall off n make mum spend the next 4 hours in casualty grrrrrrr hes ok tho lol

    lol – glad he is ok xsxsxs

    My wee one is forever falling and whacking himself…bloody klutz :roll:

    Mind you, he normally just picks himself up, laughs and carries on…I’m sure he has a head made of stone :shock:


    @pats wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    i looked at the thread b4 it was deleted. couldnt see a problem with it. geoff was being and caff replied. so why the big deal?

    yup so why delete????

    mornin caff!. u n fasty bin unsettling the natives? tut! [-X

    yup sure am and just look how lively the boards r this morning whoooohooooooooo xxxx hugsters xxxx


    In answer to earlier questions – I bought six bags of composted woodland bark, finely shredded and it smells absolutely awful !!!

    Mrs PB has suggested that I might care to go and roll in it ….. and stay there !!!

    Mind you the smell will stop the bloody foxes digging up all my newly planted bulbs !!!


    Dont bank on it PB the foxes here are lil bleeders

    you name it iv put it down to try and stop them digging my plants up

    From ground black pepper to soem stuff i spent loads on to get rid of cats foxes and baggers waste of f00king money

    But and not many will agree i have found putting a lil dish of dog /cat food helps they eat that rather than dig every think up looking for scraps

    and have to say when she pops her head from behind the shed she does look beautifull


    @chathostuk wrote:

    I am fed up with the abuse these boards have been breeding of late.

    It stops now.

    i agree :D
    no need for personal abuse cockhost :D


    @chathostuk wrote:

    Hi cath55

    I have no problem with open discussion as long as it doesn’t victimise people or become abusive – lets view this as a fresh start, eh?


    People need to remember their age…not their shoe size when posting. it would be good if they read their post before hitting the send button.

    Why cant people just accept other peoples views and get on with it. We cant all agree with everything 100% of the time.


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    @chathostuk wrote:

    Hi cath55

    I have no problem with open discussion as long as it doesn’t victimise people or become abusive – lets view this as a fresh start, eh?


    People need to remember their age…not their shoe size when posting. it would be good if they read their post before hitting the send button.

    Why cant people just accept other peoples views and get on with it. We cant all agree with everything 100% of the time.

    i disagree :)

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