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20 September, 2017 at 4:45 pm #1070801
Just thinking has anyone thought of a chatter who seems to tick all the boxes , I don’t mean as in fancy then just as a chatter corbs seems to tick mine never nasty to anyone ok hes a cheeky fker but in a fun way so he gets my vote !! ( WHO IS YOURS )
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20 September, 2017 at 5:17 pm #1070822Yes corbs is just lovely 😊
20 September, 2017 at 5:18 pm #1070823Excellent topic
i shall observe over the next few days then give my answer as I might forget someone if I say immediately from the top of my head
and can I say an all round chatter isn’t necessarily one who does not get involved in conflict but a chatter who handles situations well
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kent f OBE.
20 September, 2017 at 6:49 pm #1070902id say me tbh
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20 September, 2017 at 7:08 pm #1070916hmm, i mean the thing is right, we all have atleast one thing that we have in common with someone even if we hate them, i mean i dont like to say who i like more than someone else, as i like people in different ways, i bet thou i wud like atleast one person more than someone else if i met them.
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21 September, 2017 at 12:00 pm #1071033Right I have a few (so what!)
Mids Sikh….though he doesn’t chat anymore….was never bitchy about anyone (publicly)… was always polite…respectful of others opinions etc…..when he did have an issue…as he did with one of the guides once…he told the guide what he thought about her behaviour very politely and told her he had reported her to Martin
So he was funny, polite, not looking for conflict…intelligent…respectful…offered a lot to chat in chat with chat…………and please no one tell him I wrote this about him I will never live it down….so that’s a past chatter…not dead….no longer chats
Roguefemradish…..what a great chatter this lady is…..funny…intelligent…doesn’t look for conflict but deals with nastiness towards her with dignity ….an all round chatter most definitely.
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21 September, 2017 at 12:05 pm #1071035LOL@orson…no offence mate but telling janey lou to get you know what the other day was down right disgraceful. Disgusting in fact. Language that that should be totally unacceptable here. From any one and to any one.
21 September, 2017 at 2:43 pm #107104821 September, 2017 at 3:55 pm #1071064well this isn’t working, ive not ticked anybodys box . lol bugger yas !!!!!
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21 September, 2017 at 4:22 pm #1071066I’ve never liked my box being ticked, and there’s no danger of it happening either.
I don’t have a favourite chatter. I enjoy chatting to some when I go into chat – usually f2 and f1 nowadays – and have very fond memories of some past chatters. I enjoy reading all of those named above, except for Corbs – I’ve never heard of Corbs *hangs head in shame.
Probably best to leave it at that.
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This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
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