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  • #1119854

    All you are achieving Morg melon head is making me suspect Echo has put you up to this.

    Similar to Q and Mizzy.

    I know why she would and I know why she would manipulate a stupid cretin like you to do it.

    What have you got to say about that, Echo?


    If I had an idea what you were talking about I’d answer.

    Ge.. Scorpion isn’t morg and they’re not posting because, or for me. I know who it is and I will stand by them. There’s stuff you’re not aware of and it’s nog my place to say. I am totally serious about standing by Scorpion because this is real, not some stupid online squabble.

    Hi Nem, just a thought, you say you stand by this person and support them, as one of the ‘ targeted’ I’d just wondered how you can support them if you haven’t ever spoken  to me about anything ? Basically just taking ‘ this persons ‘ word as gospel and not caring whether it’s valid or not ?? I know who it is, I’m not really bothered or upset I thought the pics were quite funny, and I don’t feel they have been particularly abusive towards me, I just don’t get how you can only have 1 side of a “story” and fully believe it ?  :unsure:

    Ah well, ce la vie  ;-)


    I would love a home here  :yahoo:


    See the source image B-)


    If badder is watching,  this is what ge made his dog do on numerous occasions  :yahoo:


    See the source image


    829 did in f1..twice..cut my throat.. said..


    829 did in f1..twice..cut my throat.. said..

    So after someone telling you 829 times they would cut your throat,  did that get a little monotonous Linda loose knickers :unsure:


    See the source image

    an example of Rumblebum’s infantile humour

    Grow up!!


    See the source image

    an example of Rumblebum’s infantile humour

    Grow up!!

    Look you miserable old fart, I don’t take kindly to your infantile insults and abuse calling me infantile, you infantile little poignant bar steward, yes I know you’re a 63 year old glass collector drinking the slerps of slaver people leave in their glasses at your local unemployed men’s club, but hey you deserve that if this is the way you treat nice people :yahoo:

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