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  • #1119788

    If I had an idea what you were talking about I’d answer. Ge.. Scorpion isn’t morg and they’re not posting because, or for me. I know who it is and I will stand by them. There’s stuff you’re not aware of and it’s nog my place to say. I am totally serious about standing by Scorpion because this is real, not some stupid online squabble.

    I don’t believe you. I don’t care who he is and said so originally. I don’t care what excuses you make for him and I know how you operate in the background, if you want to resume all that bullshit again you should know by now what my reaction will be.

    Leave Nemesis alone you abnormal bully, stop harassing her, no one operates me or operates Nemesis for that matter we are not functioned by a remote control.

    More threats from gerry :negative:   and after a 12 hour onslaught about mr q being the abusive stalker of women, I think you need to take a long look in the mirror you ignoramus pig :wacko:



    Every time Echo’s new toy trolls me I now know why. Like I said I know how you operate on this site.





    If I had an idea what you were talking about I’d answer. Ge.. Scorpion isn’t morg and they’re not posting because, or for me. I know who it is and I will stand by them. There’s stuff you’re not aware of and it’s nog my place to say. I am totally serious about standing by Scorpion because this is real, not some stupid online squabble.

    I don’t believe you. I don’t care who he is and said so originally. I don’t care what excuses you make for him and I know how you operate in the background, if you want to resume all that bullshit again you should know by now what my reaction will be.

    You asked me a question. I tried to answer it!

    Tbh, I’m past caring what you, or anyone bar a few here, thinks anymore.

    Operating in the background? If you mean chatting in PM on the rare ocassions I venture into chat now, yeah.

    I wanna talk about how your dog is doing not who’s doing who…

    I’m fed up of being told who to talk to..

    I’m fed up of apologising for my mistakes…

    I’m fed up of all the b.s….

    I came here years ago to escape my real life. I’m happy now, I come here now because of nostalgia, to keep in touch with the genuine friends I’ve made.

    So Ge. ..



    1 member liked this post.

    Every time Echo’s new toy trolls me I now know why. Like I said I know how you operate on this site.



    1 member liked this post.

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear

    Gerry abusing yet another female  :negative:



    ou asked me a question. I tried to answer it! Tbh, I’m past caring what you, or anyone bar a few here, thinks anymore. Operating in the background? If you mean chatting in PM on the rare ocassions I venture into chat now, yeah. I wanna talk about how your dog is doing not who’s doing who… I’m fed up of being told who to talk to.. I’m fed up of apologising for my mistakes… I’m fed up of all the b.s…. I came here years ago to escape my real life. I’m happy now, I come here now because of nostalgia, to keep in touch with the genuine friends I’ve made. So Ge. .. B-)

    This is nothing to do with my dog while I was attempting to chat in a civilized manner. I don’t belive a word you type. I base my opinion on experience. My experience of you is that you manipulate people to fight your dirty JC wars. I know for a fact what you do in the background, because you have tried doing it with me.


    If you deny it i’ll repeat it openly on the boards and you know damn well I will.


    Every time your new toy, who randomly appeared swiftly followed by you, tries to troll me, I will know you put him up to it. I don’t belive in coincidence and I don’t believe a random would suddenly appear and start trolling specific board chatters although the crap he is giving me is far less than others.



    People really don’t know what you are like.



    I do.




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by  Ge.

    Ge trying to bully the younger ones again :negative:

    See the source image


    Like i said.



    Cosy outside the salvation army, just because they had gave him westlers burgers along with his mushy pea soup :yahoo:

    See the source image


    Sounds paranoid doesn’t he just Nemesis darling x

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