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  • #411688

    On the subject of smiling:

    Smile: if you can’t lift the corners, let the middle sag :D

    Waits for rude comments… :-


    @jen_jen wrote:

    On the subject of smiling:

    Smile: if you can’t lift the corners, let the middle sag :D

    Waits for rude comments… :-

    ROFL oh jen that soo made me laugh…. my middle always sags but i pull the corners up and smile with my eyes… its far less effort


    How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. :)


    in other words……in here :lol:

    anyway whats the difference between here and facebook..i heard lots of bitchiness goes on in facebook


    @will wrote:

    facebook is more real. just chat is more fake. by fake i mean u dont realley know anybodey (unles u have alreadey met em) whereas facebook has all ya mates on it.

    will can i add your sis to my fb


    thou art my god
    early will i seek thee
    my flesh longeth for the in a dry and thirsty land
    where no water is
    to see thy power and thy glory
    so as i have seen in the in the sanctuary


    More tea vicar

    Chin up no matter what….. 8)


    Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother
    that thy days may be long up on the land
    which the lord god giveth thee


    @thin ice wrote:

    Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother
    that thy days may be long up on the land
    which the lord god giveth thee

    The lord giveth and the lord taketh away…now who’s got my land?


    The meek shall inherit the earth

    if thats ok with everyone else :?

Viewing 10 posts - 71 through 80 (of 2,983 total)

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