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  • #141759

    @geoff wrote:

    This is now an official fight thread huh?

    Best get off it then, I thought it was the juvenile early twenty somethings (and Sian) rant thread, I found it mildly amusing and it tickled me a bit.

    You made yourself look an asshole there, Geoff :wink:


    @robbo wrote:

    If anything, Emma. Your students probably teach you how to right (write). Stupid cow (statement of fact). Do you work for a special school? Because why on earth would they take (on) someone (as a teacher) with such poor grammer{grammar), who barely makes sense when they type ?


    Says Robbo who himself is not a very good speller, oh the schools of today have a lot to be accounted for

    Emma xx


    @dizzybrunette wrote:


    do you realise that is the second time that you have spelt GRAMMAR wrong

    oh silly boy, go back to school

    Emma xx

    1 mistake on spelling a word, isn’t as bad as your several hundred mistakes on spelling several hundred words lol


    True !


    whatever you say darling Robbo

    god i find you sooo sexy you know when you get all worked up lmao

    keep up the good work Robbo

    Emma xx


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @robbo wrote:

    If anything, Emma. Your students probably teach you how to right (write). Stupid cow (statement of fact). Do you work for a special school? Because why on earth would they take (on) someone (as a teacher) with such poor grammer{grammar), who barely makes sense when they type ?

    Again, PB. It’s easy to pick up on them when you have your eyes peeled to your screen, wondering when I am going to make the next mistake. Emma, can be very noticed when she makes a mistake. I’ll follow you around for the next 3 weeks correcting you on every error you make :roll:


    Anyway i’d better get off to bed.

    Geoff, i will talk to you tomorrow :wink:
    PB, it has been very interesting talking with you tonight , thank you
    Robbo, you sexy man you .. not pml
    Gemz, its been a blast again

    Goodnight everyone and happy fighting

    Emma xx


    @geoff wrote:

    @robbo wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    This is now an official fight thread huh?

    Best get off it then, I thought it was the juvenile early twenty somethings (and Sian) rant thread, I found it mildly amusing and it tickled me a bit.

    You made yourself look an asshole there, Geoff :wink:

    More insults… the thread is spiralling into a Roberts slagging match now.

    Diddums :wink:


    You wanted a fight thread, PB. So I thought id add you lol

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