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    @cherriepie wrote:

    @animal wrote:

    mi new fishing hat how cool is that lol

    lol lord forbid the fish my jump out of sea to bite your face off :o Why the facial net?

    In case the fish with their pee sized brains spot him on the riverbank and think ‘ambush’ of course. :lol:

    Or maybe it’s so when the river fish baliff fella comes round for Animals money he can do a runner, not pay and not be identified :lol:


    Actualy Mel your right, it is so the fish dont see you get scared and swim off, carp are quite shy and nerivous, one of the hardest fish to catch – quite delicate.

    It also helps keep away the mosquitoes.


    yes they are lucy this is right is the reason to wear camo but not just for the face net. idea of the face net is i went night fishing other night and had to put up with swarms of midges at times so the face mesh is better than getting bitten to feck.


    and u will find that fish are no pea brains lol some of them are quite clever.


    @animal wrote:

    and u will find that fish are no pea brains lol some of them are quite clever.

    in comparison to what? Not us or they wouldn’t be served up in batter and deep fried or fooled into thinking a feather bobbing about on the surface is a fly for instance :)


    @melody wrote:

    @animal wrote:

    and u will find that fish are no pea brains lol some of them are quite clever.

    in comparison to what? Not us or they wouldn’t be served up in batter and deep fried or fooled into thinking a feather bobbing about on the surface is a fly for instance :)

    Erm . . . .

    Is it our superior intellect that has us camping in Lion Country?


    you cud say that about anything though i mean is a deer thick if it walks into a trap ?? is a dolphin thick if it gets caught in a net ?? i think u will find that most fish we eat are caught on a large scale as in netting and have no escape and most trout etc in supermarkets are farmed trout etc so have no escape the fact that they think a fake fly is a fly it doesnt always work same as e.g carp fishing studies have show that carp can tell the diffrence between a hooked bait and a none hooked bait. u cant exactly compare a fish to us as u cant compare any other species to us. and u dont have to be bright to see some one walking around in bright yellow t shirt and red shorts or summert were as blending in with surroundings is harder to see even to us. good exapmple here wen using a pellet as a hook bait its always wise to use the same pellet on the hook that u are baiting up with as if u have say a 3mm pellet to bait with and a 10mm pellet on the hook the fish wont go for it cos of the diffrence and the chance that that one big pellet is hooked. could you tell what is hooked and what is not hooked under murky water ????


    also lol if that come at u at speed wud u think it was just a feather ?????


    just love a man whos passionate about his hobbies :lol:


    Dr Warburton, who has been studying fish behavior for years says, “There’s been a lot of work done over the last 15 years on learning and memory in fish and it as been found that fish are quite sophisticated. Fish can remember prey types for months; they can learn to avoid predators after being attacked once and they retain this memory for several months; and carp that have been caught by fishers avoid hooks for at least a year. That fish have only a three second memory is just rubbish.

    so are fish thick,dumb,stupid,pee brain ?? what ever u want to called them or are they just uneducated

    if a human being wasn’t told and educated not to touch a live electrical wire would they do it yes more than likely till they learned not to.

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