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  • #469084


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    How the hell did animal get on MY flight to France with you???
    so guess he’s the stewardess? Good legs for a dress mind.
    Animal Anc is flying so not drinking and i’ll have a Cpt Morgan spiced with club orange.

    ok ok keep ya hair on (or shave!) – animal is allowed to wear trousers!! pmsl I’ll lob ya a rum n orange when we hit turbulance – deal?! lol



    sorted x


    Are we all off to France then? oh goody!! :D


    ye we are apparently lol anc is the pilot ime stewardess and lucy is the inflight pish head that they have air wardens for ille meet u half way lucy instead of skirt or trousers ille wear shorts lol.

    do ween need parachutes ??



    I’ll ask knitty, very nicely, to knit you two a pair! :lol:

    btw, when are you two arriving?! lol just on a need to know basis, cos I think my wine cellar needs replenshing! :lol:

    ps. do you two need feeding?!


    Nah, Animal can eat me :wink:


    omg lucy that was a bit straight up werent it lol

    just been for 20 week scan its gunna be a boy lol


    straight up is how you like it, and dont pretend other wise.

    But seriously – thats great news any names picked yet?
    Kermit, Fonzie, Gonzo?? :lol: :wink:



    ok – I get it – I manage somehow to get you two here and I have to turn the speakers up on my hifi?!!!!! Am I allowed to watch me corrie, with earphones on, quietly?! :lol:


    no need for earphones – messing on boards only as in real life he put his bun in wrong oven :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 271 through 280 (of 413 total)

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