Boards Index General discussion Getting serious This government wana bring us to our knees

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    With an open door immigrating system, whereby tens of millions could arrive daily, Alan Johnson Labour education secretary last night said on Question Time, “its about having enough social housing to fullfill the need”.

    It is part of our lives, that we have the freedom to walk in the countryside, to breathe fresh air, yes, but Labour wana turn this country into an industrial housing estate.

    We like a bit of space, we prefer an empty lift to a full one. Will historical places like Stonehenge, Castles, the Peak District etc etc be dug up, flatened and used for houses to accomodate the millions who are coming here?

    Labour dont know how to say no to immigration.


    the governments own stats according to bbc lunch time news is that up to 35000 people have arrived in britain between jan and march this year alone.. thats without counting the illegals.
    the programme interviewed several men hanging around a street corner trying to get a days labouring work. they all said they were willing to work but there are no jobs left ????? wonder how they are all eating and buying the smart clothes then ???? oh yeah i get it my husband son and myself are working full time and paying taxes so they can claim benefits and work on the side
    welcome to the land of milk and money


    @emmalush wrote:

    With an open door immigrating system, whereby tens of millions could arrive daily, Alan Johnson Labour education secretary last night said on Question Time, “its about having enough social housing to fullfill the need”.

    EXplain the Labour policy on immigration, including the rules which govern immigration- and then explain how logistically “tens of millions” can arrive her daily?

    I can smell it in the air again…pig?…..sheep?…..nope, its bullsh/it

    @emmalush wrote:

    It is part of our lives, that we have the freedom to walk in the countryside, to breathe fresh air, yes, but Labour wana turn this country into an industrial housing estate.

    Tell me where you can’t walk in the fresh open countryside and breath the air BECAUSE of immigration

    Labour dont know how to say no to immigration.[/quote]

    As usual Emma, you inane extreme ravings actually do the problem a disservice. Learn from the BNP, aim to become mainstream and moderate and see how much more popular your ideas become.

    The BNP, the next new Tory party :wink: :lol: :lol:


    @slayer wrote:

    EXplain the Labour policy on immigration, including the rules which govern immigration- and then explain how logistically “tens of millions” can arrive her daily?

    I can smell it in the air again…pig?…..sheep?…..nope, its bullsh/it

    Just last month, they talked about having an amnesty for illegal immigrants. There ideology is that we become a mass sesspit of culture.

    Tell me where you can’t walk in the fresh open countryside and breath the air BECAUSE of immigration

    Tell me where i said you couldn’t…

    As usual Emma, you inane extreme ravings actually do the problem a disservice.

    Thats a good thing right? Its better that i expose extremists like you.


    Hundreds of thousands of immigrant Polish people working in England, sent back to the motherland almost £1,000,000,000 Billion, in just the first THREE months of this year.

    Yes, not only do they take our jobs while this poxy government leave our 1.69 million unemployed without training to do those jobs, claiming benefit, and all the time our economy is loosing serious wealth, and laughably, our political masters tell us our economy is great…

    And no, £1B in 3 months will not wipe us out, but thats £4B a year plus thousands more Polish people coming here, plus the Bulgarians, plus the the other eastern immigrants, not to mention the millions of other foreigners sending BILLIONS back to the motherlands of India etc.

    Zombie voters, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Dear people, the reason that this state of affairs exists is because, collectively, as a nation, we have all voted for it to exist. We live in a democracy, right? The British people have, of their own free will, put New Trash Labour in power since 1997, and even as recently as 2005, they were re-elected because of the oustanding job they have made of running the country, is that not correct?

    Tell me if I’m wrong, but logic would dictate that if you do a good job in running the country, you get re-elected, and if you do a very bad job, as has been suggested, then you get thrown out of power. After all, that’s the power of that little ‘X’ at the ballot box!

    The British people have made their beds, now they must lie in it. Too late for moaning about how bad things are, another general election isn’t due for a few years yet, and N T L can introduce many more wonderful policies in those few years.

    In a democracy, we are all collective responsible for putting a government into power, even if as individuals, we didn’t actually vote for that political party. We all have to stand by the majority decision, even if less than 50% of the population can elect a majority government, but hey, that’s just a minor technical detail.

    Have faith in your fellow citizens, please!! (oh ok, don’t then!)


    4th story down, 2,600 new homes, destroying our countryside, the Marxist way, but this isnt just about building homes to accomodate the native white flight, this is an explanation of why white people dont wana live in multicultral London, because its horrible.

    With 2,600 new homes also comes the problem of providing new schools, a hospital etc, and with 600 job loses planned in Scunthorpe announced yesterday, admittedly many miles away, the NHS is NOT coping countrywide, how the hell can the NHS cope with another 2.600 homes with 5,000 more people, our country is FULL.

    This government will bring us to our knees unless YOU, not someone else, YOU, start waking up my friends, start telling your family, your friends etc whats going on.



    England is in the middle of a profoundly disturbing social experiment. For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population.   

    In the name of cultural diversity, Labour attacks anything that smacks of Englishness. The mainstream public are treated with contempt, their rights ignored, their history trashed. In their own land, the English are being turned into second-class citizens.

    This trend was highlighted this week by the case of Abigail Howarth, a bright teenager who applied for a training position with the Environment Agency in East Anglia but was turned down because she was too white and English. The post, which carries a £13,000 grant, was open only to ethnic minorities, including the Scots, Welsh and Irish.

    Though Abigail’s case rightly caused outrage, it was not unique. This kind of reverse discrimination is now rife across the state machine, underwritten by the very English tax­payers who are the targets of institutional prejudice.

    Birmingham City Council gives £16,000 a year to “black and minority ethnic individuals” in its “Positive Action Traineeship Scheme”, and a £10,000 allowance to clerical trainees from “the Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities”.

    Discriminatory training schemes can also be found in ITV, the civil service and the NHS, which boasts “a management development programme specifically designed and tail­ored to the needs of black and minority ethnic midwives”. 

    It was revealed last year that Avon and Somerset Constab-ulary rejected 186 applications from white men on the grounds that they were already “over-represented” in the force. In the same way, London Mayor Ken Livingstone last month refused to endorse a series of nominations for the London Fire Authority because they were dominated by whites.

    It is a bitter irony that the Labour Government, which works itself into such a synthetic rage over racial prejudice, should practise overt discrimination on an epic scale. The remorseless focus on supporting minorities has led to a perverted ideology of anti-white racism.

    There is an air of the Maoist permanent revolution about their activities. Since immigration now runs at probably one million people a year, the make-up of society is changing dramatically. So, in this climate of endless demographic upheaval, the race relations brigade will always be able to invent more work for itself.

    Yet anti-English discrimination undermines the central plank of the propaganda for mass immigration. We are constantly told we need vast influxes of foreigners to boost our economy and fill vacancies but unem­ployment levels in immigrant communities are so high and skills so lacking that we need to reserve parts of our economy for them.
    So if we have to spend a fortune on training schemes, why are we inviting hundreds of thousands of arrivals from the Third World and Eastern Europe here every year?

    Economics have little to do with the issue. The Left in Britain have seized on mass immigration and multiculturalism as a battering ram to destroy the society they despise. They once sought to change our country through economic revolution. That failed with the Winter of Discontent and the downfall of communism. But demographic change through migration has proved far more damaging.

    George Orwell once wrote: “England is perhaps the only great country whose intellec­tuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In Left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution.”

    That is now precisely the mentality that predominates within the machinery of the British state. And our country is dying as a result.


    My Husband has lost 5 British workers over the last year who have been replaced with non British workers.

    All through clever disciplinairy procedures.

    His co-workers on his level at other areas of work are now worried they will be next.

    Dave has a disciplinary this Wednesday. Over cleverlly thought out new stratergies.

    Its not the governernment Emma. Its BIG companies cashing in on how cheaply they can replace their white English task force.

    If my other half looses his job over a cleverly thought out disciplinary, they can employ three Ghanian’s to do the same job and split the wages between them.

    They can go home after 1 year and live like kings.

    Me n dave n the kids? We will be declared bankrupt.

    Fighting a losing corner and no gen election will change it.

    We are living on a knife edge here.

    I didnt mean to get all personal on here but it is coming to a stage where I have to say something!


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Its not the governernment Emma. Its BIG companies cashing in on how cheaply they can replace their white English task force.

    But government can support british workers via british companies. A minimum wage increase would help.

    Fighting a losing corner and no gen election will change it.

    If you dont campaign, you wont make a difference.

    We are living on a knife edge here.

    Vote for those more like you, because the party who are more like you, care for you more.

    I didnt mean to get all personal on here but it is coming to a stage where I have to say something! :twisted:

    Try doing it more to those who need to know whats going on.

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