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    And again I repeat ~ LEAD BY EXAMPLE, perhaps many of you have short memories!

    An Open Letter to David Cameron’s Parents


    @gazlan wrote:

    Ah madam Lucy, a sensitive mite you are.

    Not sensitive just persistant. And your getting a slap for calling me Madam, you cheeky git Madam is reserved for oldies – im 31.

    But cheers for the reply Without links.
    I NOW am starting to see where your coming from – i hate policits and never get involed in convo’s about them, but the riots have made me angry at the bullshìt reasons behind them.

    The letter was well written and true – Yes it is the parents fault – why dont they know where their kids are.
    I have no idea if your solution would work but i still stand by saying that having no money, no jobs is NO reason to make the suitation worse.

    Now roll me a fat one so i can forget this mess :wink:


    @gazlan wrote:

    The link leads to a brilliant summary of another point I read recently. Poor criminals tend to commit crimes against poor victims and to use violence. They then are defined by the crime – thieves, thugs etc – without any chance of redemption.

    Richer victims tend to commit so called white collar crime, which might have severe consequences, but is often allowed to pass with deference and is not seen as defining the individual. How many of the MPs and senior police officers etc named in the article will ever be referred to as fraudsters, embezzlers or thieves?


    just thought I’d add, I’m not citing poverty as an excuse for crime, just describing the tendency of the criminals.

    And yes, poverty is relative, in global terms there are probably about half a dozen poor people in the entire UK.

    But one of the reasons we don’t describe people with mobile phones or trainers or whatever as poor is because we have no real idea of how rich the average person is by comparison and absolutely no clue how rich the really wealthy are (or who they are for that matter) – and yet they steal too!


    Yes you are aren’t you Lucy. . . . How would you like them, up or down. :P

    People have the most amazing set of standards and equally selective memory. The system is in freefall Lucy, world events and the collapse of the American dream shows no sign of abatement, the reverberations untold!

    People are awaking to the fact that this country has propped up and supported the most evil of dictators, even as we speak deals involving colossal amounts of money are being struck. So while we see the struggling of the pensioners, the vast increase in unemployment amongst the youth, the crippling debt spiralling out of control, the heavy handed boot boy tactics of the police and their new found weapons. . . . We ask ourselves what in this world are they doing?
    Take the ‘war on terror’, this man Bin Laden has been the scapegoat for the hegemony we are witnessing by the imperial dictator ‘uncle Sam’ and co. Have we seen a reduction of forces in Afghanistan since his death? Are we even aware of what it is these ‘insurgents’ are fighting for? And at what cost democracy? The half million children wiped off this earth in Iraq? The now diseased and dying citizens of Iraq through the barbaric actions of OUR forces?

    Once people find the time to actually remove themselves from the fear they have of loss, they will be free. This country prides itself on its universities and educational institutions, yet they fail to educate true value, the educational system is nothing more than a breeding ground for the mass indoctrination of this Great country and it brings tears to my eyes to witness this subversion.

    See the absolute masses attending these royal weddings and ceremonies, they have not the slightest idea of just what they are there for over and above the ‘prince’ is getting wed, the ‘queen’ is opening a new school etc and so on. . . . They choose to avoid the perverted wealth of these people, these people through a hierarchal system of hereditary non-sense that continues to throttle the living daylights out of independent thinking and critical persuasion, in cahoots of course with the disgusting bias of the nations own media platform the bbc.

    The fat one is rolled and roached and the knives are on the gas full power . . . It’s pollen on the menu today young lady and Gazlan will share with you my very last. All peace and power to the critical mind and the dimensional shift induced by the weed.


    Hmm….thing is Gaz when you take time to explain things there is a lot most of us would agree with you about. We all know things are not perfect far from it, its OK saying whats wrong…. but just knowing things are wrong isn’t a solution…. and I have to say I see no solutions in anything you say… just additional problems… sorry Gaz :?


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    Hmm….thing is Gaz when you take time to explain things there is a lot most of us would agree with you about. We all know things are not perfect far from it, its OK saying whats wrong…. but just knowing things are wrong isn’t a solution…. and I have to say I see no solutions in anything you say… just additional problems… sorry Gaz :?

    For the love of good woman . . . Use the mind you were blessed with. Isn’t this the problem with this world? You People, like lambs to the slaughter, always feeling the need to be given a solution, an answer. . . . I’m losing my job ~ oh my god what will i do? I cannot pay my mortgage ~ oh my god what will i do?

    Get a grip, YOU are the solution,YOU have the choice . . . You either follow your heart or you wait to be directed and led. . . . YOU are in control of YOUR mind, not me, not Cameron, not the ‘queen’ . . . YOU, so make your own solution and try for once listening to your heart or forever be part of the problem . . . REFRAIN AND RISE ABOVE IT FOR CHRIST SAKE ! :x



    I have! I moved countries, but kept a flat in London – wot you gotta say about that gaz?

    You have no idea of my finanancial, moral, patriotic sympthathies at all, but I got the guts to do it! – bet you haven’t! :D


    @anc wrote:

    I have! I moved countries, but kept a flat in London – wot you gotta say about that gaz?

    You have no idea of my finanancial, moral, patriotic sympthathies at all, but I got the guts to do it! – bet you haven’t! :D

    And there’s me thnking you were cheap. :lol: :wink:


    Threatening to put a private conversation on the boards and calling the person who you had the conversation with a lowlife is the pot calling the kettle black methinks… :-k

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