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  • #422589

    Trust me, you dont make me rise! :lol:



    ffs Thin Carol has only just died :(



    glad you deleted that thin!!! completely out of order!


    @fat bob wrote:

    Trust me, you dont make me rise! :lol:

    now now come on :lol: :lol:



    @fat bob wrote:

    Trust me, you dont make me rise! :lol:

    bliddy hope not! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Now that is truely a dissapointment thin. I thought more of you than that, I rarely permanently iggy anyone, your top of the list now.


    Who cares what happens between consenting adults? It’s nobodies business except theirs.

    I have no idea whether Kenty had a threesome with Thin and a n other or an orgy with the entire England Rugby team, if she did it would seem very out of character but tbh I don’t care one way or the other, she’s a lovely person and a sassy funny chatter, and in JC land that’s all that counts.

    So many people here sit in judgement of others, but no-one has any right to judge anyone else. You know what they say, those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. And as my father always said, you have to have a good memory to be a good liar :wink:


    @Rosepetal wrote:

    Now that is truely a dissapointment thin. I thought more of you than that, I rarely permanently iggy anyone, your top of the list now.

    well rose i thought you were smarter thann to fall for ancs lies
    ive not said a word about carol
    i may have had a few run ins with her a long time ago but i can assure you i have said nothing since her sad death
    anc is a bare faced liar its her who you should iggy because its her who is using the name of a dead woman to try to cause trouble
    you have friends who are guides so go ask them because every thing is recorded and if i posted and deleted as anc says there will be a record of it
    except there wont be because it didnt happen


    @anc wrote:

    ffs Thin Carol has only just died :(

    all these threats anc but the best you can do is make up lies and use carols name to do it

    a fine example of irony



    a lot of peeps saw what you typed in thin – I was gobsmacked – I ain’t lying

Viewing 10 posts - 871 through 880 (of 899 total)

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