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  • #422089

    I dont know any checkouts that dont give out £10 have a word with your bank about it


    Being told at 4:50 that all the work needed to be finished that evening because my boss was going on holiday tomorrow! wucking fanker! :lol:




    Megabytes that just………………..vanish :x :x :x


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Customers who expect you to be open on time with all the papers on the shelves…even though you do not live in the village where the shop is and the papers come from the area where police have had to close off alot of roads for safety reasons :evil:

    You bank at one crappy bank Eve :lol:


    Being hungry…. well it makes my tummy go Grrrrrr ( really loud too)


    Have several creme eggs :wink:


    @pete wrote:

    Have several creme eggs :wink:

    I ate the remaining 2 and a banana… there’s no hope for the growler… its in serious munchie mode


    @Velvet 1 wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    Have several creme eggs :wink:

    I ate the remaining 2 and a banana… there’s no hope for the growler… its in serious munchie mode

    Gaffer just bought me the biggest Subway… god know what was in it… twas dripping in mayonaise…. flippin lovely it was…. made a right mess eating it but couldnt care less as tummy is no longer growling merely groaning under stress and i have hicups too grrr


    When you’re trying to do your job….. and cover up someone elses f u c k up and they shout you down without obtaining the facts first…… grrr bliddy boiling :twisted:

Viewing 10 posts - 371 through 380 (of 899 total)

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