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  • #421959

    wasn’t me :lol:


    Not knowing where the megabytes are going :shock:


    @gazlan wrote:

    Not knowing where the megabytes are going :shock:

    they are going to the bottom of the garden with the megapixies :lol:


    they are going to the bottom of the garden with the megapixies

    Keep the motorbike company then……. :D wonder if Susie uses the same medication as me…. 8)


    @gazlan wrote:

    they are going to the bottom of the garden with the megapixies

    Keep the motorbike company then……. :D wonder if Susie uses the same medication as me…. 8)

    you on HRT too then :?


    No but the halucinations are similar 8)


    @gazlan wrote:

    No but the halucinations are similar 8)

    they’re not halucinations I assure you :wink: :lol:


    they’re not halucinations I assure you

    Ooooh….care to expand :wink:


    @gazlan wrote:

    they’re not halucinations I assure you

    Ooooh….care to expand :wink:



    Thats a yes then….lol

    i recieved a letter from the local council including a diagram of my home and garden, they were telling me that a rose bush was growing wild and had began to overtake the public pathway parrallel to my garden. `you have 28 days to remove the obstruction otherwise further action will be taken`…… :shock: when i looked at the path and the obstruction, i was gobsmacked, someone had complained and rightly so, not using the path until recently, i had failed to notice the overgrowth…..Today i set about the rose bush and cleared the path so….Grrrrrrrr rose bushes…and it pricked me as well, i havent finished yet though, the hacksaw will be my next weapon of choice :x

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