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  • #421949

    my son’s attitude and behaviour whenever he has spent time with his sperm donor

    lol @ sperm donor :D


    @thin ice wrote:

    sounds like cath and sugar are very bitter about the men in their life

    comments like this on a grrrrrrrr thread when im merely voicing an opinion……….lol there ya go thin, i rose to the bait, your turn !!! :roll: :wink:


    @cath 55 wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    sounds like cath and sugar are very bitter about the men in their life

    comments like this on a grrrrrrrr thread when im merely voicing an opinion……….lol there ya go thin, i rose to the bait, your turn !!! :roll: :wink:

    after being involved with jl cath i can see where it all went wrong


    a whole lot of assumptions!


    @thin ice wrote:

    sounds like cath and sugar are very bitter about the men in their life

    oh look , you got me there . I have really low self esteem and my life is full of slimeball men waiting to take advantage of that. Oh wait , or I could have been talking about someone else eh. :)


    “You must buy a ticket BEFORE you board the train”


    @sugarnspice wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    sounds like cath and sugar are very bitter about the men in their life

    oh look , you got me there . I have really low self esteem and my life is full of slimeball men waiting to take advantage of that. Oh wait , or I could have been talking about someone else eh. :)

    well if your on your knees love do you mind if i have a lil go



    @susieq wrote:

    “You must buy a ticket BEFORE you board the train”

    I know! and having to buy your ticket before u can get on the bus in spite of the bloody office not being open! :evil:


    buying a new camera and it not saying anywhere on the box ‘Batteries not included’ :x

    can I find any AAA’s in this house . . . NO


    People who leave answerphone messages saying “it’s me, call me back”…who the hell is me? and what’s your number?

Viewing 10 posts - 231 through 240 (of 899 total)

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