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  • #421869


    O2 sending me texts at 2am! :evil:



    I truly do hate it when someone who is obv a reg cos they know things that are going on the room jump into your pc and give a mouthful of abuse about something that is none of their business whoever they really are ( and they dont know what their talking about anyway, they are just jumping on a band wagon) and then leave immediately before u can tell them to fu ck off. This happened to me about 10 mins ago. I dont mind being abused but at least let me know who it abusing me to that I can enjoy it properly! If these ppl really felt they had a point they would use their own name and allow u to answer. I have my own opinion as to who the “gentleman” was but wont voice it as i have no proof. Suffice it to say that in my opinion he is a numpty ! :lol:


    They are known as keyboard warriors and although their actions tend to make them erect they actually have no gonads


    :lol: Pete

    Eve foook em…just copy and paste the message and post it here :lol:



    You could always cut n paste it and send it to Martin, with the time and date, he may be able to trace it, that was what I did


    Namechangers who obviously know who you are, who refer to names you used 2 years ago, but won’t disclose who they are…. :twisted:


    comtemplates wondering into room and seeing if i can get abused… im just in the mood :evil:


    Oh and grrrr fetching lunch for my boss………. then him saying he hasent got any bliddy money (as usual) looks like that “Idiot” tattoo on my head is back


    @Velvet 1 wrote:

    Oh and grrrr fetching lunch for my boss………. then him saying he hasent got any bliddy money (as usual) looks like that “Idiot” tattoo on my head is back

    you could have replied “then you haven’t got any lunch”


    @pete wrote:

    @Velvet 1 wrote:

    Oh and grrrr fetching lunch for my boss………. then him saying he hasent got any bliddy money (as usual) looks like that “Idiot” tattoo on my head is back

    you could have replied “then you haven’t got any lunch”

    Thinking one thing and saying another is my area of expertise :cry:

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