Traffic with tourists and Nor’Easters. They don’t know where they are going, but our State gives them State plates so they keep coming. Problem is, you can’t tell them apart from full-timers, and they are confused and on vacation. This makes them highly dangerous.
They drive slow but then you try to pass and it suddenly reminds them they need to go faster so they speed up = Dangerous!
They whizz through traffic, left to right and right to left, with too high speeds.
They cut across three lanes of traffic in a heavy populated area, or pull out in front of you going 30km slower than you and traffic.
They can’t or don’t stay in their lanes, as they are talking about what to do with the rest of their vacation days.
One of them ran me off the road with his girlfriend from another town over a year ago and changed my life drastically. I try to keep calm, but I can’t.. sometimes I get mad, frustrated, or I talk at them like they are dumb. It isn’t good for a Christian to do.. I need to do better.. Grrrrrr…
OK, let’s see how long this one lasts….
How about some ground rules for the thread?
a) That it’s a place to let off steam about things that make you go grrrrrr and
b) It shouldn’t be used to let off steam about anything or anyone in the chatrooms or on the boards.
I know it might be asking a bit much, but we are all allegedly adults, so what do you think? Cos I for one quite like having somewhere I can grrrrr about my day to day stuff…must be the lioness in me! :lol: