* 30 6 & 7 year olds in one place are very loud and do not come with volume control
* Starbucks Hazelnut hot chocolate is scrumptious
* Boots eybrow wax strips are not as good as Superdrug ones
* Nail varnish doesn’t look good on a cream carpet
* Some video games are borderline por no graphic
* Thankfully the children had absolutely no idea of the meanings, actions and graphics whilst playing on a seemingly innocent PS3 game
* Wrapped birthday presents sitting taunting a soon to be 7 year old leads to tantrums
* Good friends can have you in hysterics no matter what
* Debenhams always has a sale on when I am unable to take advantage
* Cat’s do not like being trapped in the wardrobe all day ( thought it had been quiet )
* Cold showers do NOT dampen desire