Boards Index General discussion Getting serious "there might be a Donna Bailey in your street"

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    Says the West Sussex village of Upper Beeding’s parish council deputy chairman Simon Birnsting, warning of the danger of a 41 year old mother of 3.

    …and oh yes, she’s a BNP member.

    Giving an interview to the Daily Mail, she said, “I think you’ll find I’m quite normal really.”

    The article continues…And she is. She is pretty and funny and helpful and bright. Her critics would say this is what makes her more dangerous than any bile-spouting National Front lout. She describes how she got involved with the BNP.

    So, Donna, how do we get to the point where you are a card-carrying member of the BNP?

    “It’s quite simple really,” she says. “I’ve always been interested in politics. I like to watch the news and keep on top of things. I like to get involved in local things, too.”

    Her first port of call was the Tory Party. Upper Beeding is a true-blue sort of place, and Donna certainly felt at home there. “But I had a look on the website and, you know, it just didn’t talk to me.

    “I wasn’t particularly impressed by Cameron, and I really objected to the Tories’ policy on Europe.

    “So then I looked at the BNP website.” Hang on a minute. You leapt straight from the Tories to the BNP, just like that?

    “Yes. Well, actually, it was the Europe thing that did it. All the other parties want us to be part of Europe, and I think it is only a matter of time before Europe is a superstate, and I object to that.

    “Oh, of course I had the same preconceptions. I thought probably exactly the same of the BNP as you do. I thought, if this is all racist, offensive stuff then I am switching right off.

    “But it wasn’t. It was all perfectly sensible. I found myself agreeing with everything – especially the immigration stuff.”

    Watch her here: 5th one down – 1st one

    Be interesting to see how the parish election goes on thursday.


    she comes across as a decent woman to me. but you can guarantee she will be slated as racist and a nazi for joining the bnp. just as many thousand are doing now. im not in the slightest bit bothered wha people think of me, but the bnp are the only party who represent ordinary working people. [of every colour] as ive said before i have west indian friends who are bnp supporters. the rest of the muppet parties just carry on lining their pockets and raping the country, at least the bnp are honest about what they stand for.


    She was on BNP wives (or some other Sky TV prog)- it was either this woman (or one of the others) who wouldnt condemn Hitler and wouldnt even agree we were right to go to war with Hitler..nor would she agree about the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust (then again neither does Emma :lol: )- she thought some died but felt 6 million was way too many :lol:

    Indeed Wasp, the BNP supporters are honest in what they stand for

    In fact I’ve said several times before, if the BNP got rid of polices based on the colour of your skin and your creed then the rest of their policies will stand up to the rest of the other parties in terms of scrutiny and comparison- until such time, they’ll be a bit part, second rate party, ridiculed for anachronistic and laughable policies and right wing bias


    @slayer wrote:

    She was on BNP wives (or some other Sky TV prog)- it was either this woman (or one of the others) who wouldnt condemn Hitler and wouldnt even agree we were right to go to war with Hitler..nor would she agree about the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust (then again neither does Emma :lol: )- she thought some died but felt 6 million was way too many :lol:

    Indeed Wasp, the BNP supporters are honest in what they stand for

    In fact I’ve said several times before, if the BNP got rid of polices based on the colour of your skin and your creed then the rest of their policies will stand up to the rest of the other parties in terms of scrutiny and comparison- until such time, they’ll be a bit part, second rate party, ridiculed for anachronistic and laughable policies and right wing bias

    I remember her on that show, I didnt have any time for her, and Im afraid I still dont.


    cant comment on the show as i didnt see it. and i take the point that the bnp are well known for their views on race. as for the jews and the holocaust, anyone who denies this evil act should be locked up in a mental institution until they see sense. (Emma – please take note !!! ….Ed) you will also find that islamic teachers also deny the holocaust and regularly put their views out into public domain, but nothing is ever done about it in case they are offended, and blow a few tourists up somewhere.the pakistani government brought u tube to a hault a couple of days ago because a danish writer posted an anti islamic view. they have vowed [as normal] to kill him and they no doubt will. because its what they do. murder. the far left of the labour party are as dangerous as the nazis as they push and bully people into rediculous situations to force multi culural bollix upon us. there will be a new bosnia here soon mark my word. and if the bnp get voted in they will throw every last man jack one of the benefit calaiming, muslim victimwarrior facists, off the white cliffs of dover and good on em. and my mate francis [he of west indian extraction] would volunteer to do the throwing….


    @waspish wrote:

    ……. and my mate francis [he of west indian extraction] would volunteer to do the throwing….

    Maybe Francis could jump as well???


    NO PB

    He’ll take the £5,000 offered by the BNP to go back to where he “came from” (Dudley?) as they don’t want him here either


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    ……. and my mate francis [he of west indian extraction] would volunteer to do the throwing….

    Maybe Francis could jump as well???

    he does on a regular basis, but im no goin to confuse the issue. hes partial to jumping out of perfectly good airoplanes with nowt but a bedsheet and a few strings to hang on to.. and hes got one of those gadgets that looks likea two man tent with an ironing board tied onto the bottom with a lawnmower engine stapped to the bottom. [he calls it a microlite, but i think im right]
    so perhaps his dislike for our islamic brethren isnt based in colour but in culture, and he says im nuts! cos id like to help the women gain freedom and get some self worth. he just wants to kill em all.


    I think Francis should stand for election .. I’d vote for him :wink: :lol: 8)


    Perhaps some of our BNP ‘friends’ remember when Nick Griffin was in Tripoli back in the 80s when he thought that Ghaddafis green book was the bees knees in terms of reading material for ‘political soldiers’.

    He wasnt so anti Islam in those days was he?.

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