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    and up and up and up…. then there will be no limits lol

    oh who cares anyways as long as you is enjjoying yer life mate


    well when i get to 50.. it goes down to 16+ again.. anybody who will have me


    yeah my hubby says he cant wait to be 50 so he can be a legit perv and join the old perv brigade lol!!!! men never lose the eye for a young lady :wink:


    thats not very nice, telling you hes gonna swap you for a younger model, once you get wrinkles


    never!!!!!!!! lol, we are pretty cool bout all that sort of stuff. we never question each other bout things… never have too. thats what breaks too many couples up… too many questions.

    we enjoy our lives to the full and do pretty much all we can together.. its a partnership/frendship/marriage/life sentance all thrown in. but when you meet your life partner you will know exactly what i mean :)


    thats what broke up my last relationship up… too many questions

    i asked.. sex tonight?

    she said no

    then i asked the same question again, she still said no


    na, the age old blokey thing of forgetting a bit of foreplay works more than words!!!! women hate to be asked! there is nowt worse (cant do speech marks cos me sons locked the numbers lol)fancy a shag? you will rarely if ever get a yes to that one lol!!

    me and dave can sit for hours and not say much but then go to say the same thing at the same time cos we are so tuned into each other and on the same wavelength… it just works and after 13 years it still does. no signs of dippin (yet) and i hope it carries on and on and on lol!!! :lol:


    well i did’nt put it like that, i just got the signs she was intrested, full stop

    you done well, relationships this day and age break up so easily.. you see wedding after wedding.. spending thousands, then 3 years later, getting devorced, but hey – the party was good

    i rather just have short flings, least you know where you stand and you not there waiting for the fall


    live life and enjoy…. things happen when you least expect em to matty. go wiv the flow and if it feels right then it is right.

    i work in a divorce court too so have seen my fair share of hatred lol!!! bloody hell there is such a thin line between the two!!


    i’ll remember where you work for when i get married :)

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