How do we ensure equailty?
Well, the story of the two greedy sisters was the answer of one bright spark called James Harrington, writing nearly 400 years ago.
The two greedy sisters have eyes as big as saucers, and are hungering for a piece of cake.
How can you divide it without one sister tearing the eyes out of the other in fear of being deprived of even a crumb??
Harrington’s answer was simple
Give one sister the knife and ask her to cut the cake. The other sister has first choice of the portion to be eaten.
The first sister will make sure that the cake is cut at exactly half, as she doesn’t want the other sister to choose the larger piece, even if the piece is only a crumb larger.
Clever solution.
Yet my sister found a way of still getting the better piece of choclarte cake we had made as kids.
How, do you think?