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  • #1140225

    It’s up to Martin to decide who joins his club, You have my number mate xx

    I banned you for the type of chat some men and women are put in prison for, so hopefully Martin won’t let you back in the room.

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    Fucking lonely hearts club

    most of you couldn’t get laid in a brothel

    who needs brothels with old bikes like you around :good:



    15 years after JC first opened its doors for business and some bright spark, as Rome is burning, asks a silly question like this. It is totally irrelevant now. It’s like pub closing and trying to drag out the last customer, pissed out their nut, arguing I only want another drink.

    Love or loathe the moderators they kept this site open for 15 years, unpaid in their valuable free time and all while their detractors over that period sat on their lazy fat arses sniping from the background.

    Be grateful for what this site gave you during those 15 years and if it gave you nothing at all then you are just a fucking sadomasochist who deserves no different.


    Have a nice day.



    lol :yahoo:


    Fucking lonely hearts club

    most of you couldn’t get laid in a brothel

    I think that’s why the brothel went bust.


    That and the fact you couldn’t get paid in a brothel!

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    street walkers do get paid but it is clear thongs payment is crack :good:

    1 member liked this post.

    fair things i mean thongs or did i lol….is sooo jealous of you :good:

    i would go so far to say his jealousy is now an obsession :bye:

Viewing 7 posts - 141 through 147 (of 147 total)

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