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29 April, 2018 at 9:24 am #1094225
When views like this are popular, I fear for the future of our society :
It is cheaper in the long term to pro-actively apply preventative measures before any crime has been committed.
Petty ecconomic concerns should not and cannot ever be used as an excuse infringe on the rights of a citizen.
29 April, 2018 at 10:14 am #1094229Drac why don’t you put that statement in its context ?
Ge said ” The scheme in Germany is voluntary and the clients identity is anonymous and protected by law. Paedophilia is classified as a mental illness suggesting treatment is possible and of course treatment is cheaper than the trauma the victims go through and cheaper than locking up the actual paedophile after an offense has been committed. All emotion aside, it makes perfect economic sense.”
I’m pleased though, that you are worried about the rights of citizens …
Ge wrote:
So your not qualified to give an opinion whether treatment is suitable, or not.
Draculina wrote:
You can psychologicaly condition people to react negitively to certain stimuli, this isn’t something the British state should be doing to it’s citizens.
Ge wrote:There aren’t currently enough prisons in the UK to house all sexual offenders, obviously other avenues need to be explored for dealing with low grade offenders.
Draculina wrote:
Yep … Citizen Smith just wants to execute em …… and dust her hands off ….. next problem please ….
p.s. You implied you have a doctorate of some description…? yes ?
Interesting that you continually spelt penetration as penitration and you can’t spell ‘ psychologically’ or ‘negatively’ , correctly either…. I know its not a spelling B but does seem a tad odd, imho of course.
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29 April, 2018 at 10:27 am #1094231Drac, If a 14 year-old girl agrees to sleep with a 60 year old man, or a 40 year old man, or a 20 year old man, it’s still rape, because the girl is below the age of consent.
But why should execution be the right penalty, as you advocate on the other thread??
What if a 16 year old slept with the 14 year old? It’s still rape. Why execution
Or do you just think that it’s the 60 year-old who should be singled out from treatment?
Drac, I’ve heard you support the execution of opponents of the Pinochet regime in Chile by throwing them out of helicopters.
Isn’t it a bit odd of you to claim that you’re a liberal who’s worried about the slide into totalitarianism?
*Wasn’t sure which thread to put this on, as the call for execution came on the other thread. But thinking about it I think maybe this is the right thread.
29 April, 2018 at 12:20 pm #1094263Drac why don’t you put that statement in its context ?
Because you aren’t looking at the bigger picture.
Once you give the state power to punish people for crimes that have not happened, then that power will be applied to all crimes.
There aren’t currently enough prisons in the UK to house all sexual offenders, obviously other avenues need to be explored for dealing with low grade offenders.
Build more prisons, re-instate capital punishment.
p.s. You implied you have a doctorate of some description…? yes ?
I have a PhD in cryptography.
Interesting that you continually spelt penetration as penitration and you can’t spell ‘ psychologically’ or ‘negatively’ , correctly either…. I know its not a spelling B but does seem a tad odd, imho of course.
English isn’t my first language.
Even if it was, I don’t see how my spelling is relevent to the facts I presented.
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29 April, 2018 at 12:23 pm #1094264Drac, If a 14 year-old girl agrees to sleep with a 60 year old man, or a 40 year old man, or a 20 year old man, it’s still rape, because the girl is below the age of consent. But why should execution be the right penalty, as you advocate on the other thread?? What if a 16 year old slept with the 14 year old? It’s still rape. Why execution Or do you just think that it’s the 60 year-old who should be singled out from treatment?
This thread is about punishment for crimes that you might commit in the future.
Drac, I’ve heard you support the execution of opponents of the Pinochet regime in Chile by throwing them out of helicopters.
That was a joke, that I believe I made in PM
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29 April, 2018 at 12:32 pm #1094269Wasn’t sure which thread to put this on, as the call for execution came on the other thread. But thinking about it I think maybe this is the right thread.
I believe in capital punishment for serial killers, and people who have murdered, raped, or seriously harmed a child. Provided there is significant enough evidence that leaves no reasonable doubt of their danger to society.
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29 April, 2018 at 12:42 pm #1094272Drac, If a 14 year-old girl agrees to sleep with a 60 year old man, or a 40 year old man, or a 20 year old man, it’s still rape, because the girl is below the age of consent. But why should execution be the right penalty, as you advocate on the other thread?? What if a 16 year old slept with the 14 year old? It’s still rape. Why execution Or do you just think that it’s the 60 year-old who should be singled out from treatment?
Not sure a 14 year old child is actually in a position to ‘agree’ to being raped but there you go. A child may say yes to things like yes to more chocolate even though they may have had loads already and end up being very sick. A child may say yes to things not realising exactly what they are saying yes to – such is the nature of being a CHILD.
The 16 year old boy is still very young and immature and should get some understanding for that fact although it is still wrong of him to have relations with an underage girl.
The 60 year old should know better as he is old enough to be her granddad. Id happily see him hung for it.
My original comment was removed. My words were stronger and possibly may have offended folk.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
29 April, 2018 at 1:06 pm #1094282Laws are made when enough break normal standards in society. They are not just made up for standby needs.. has to be enough reasons to incorporate laws.
For example my community too many people cutting down trees on their personal property. For environmental supporters this too much…so now have to get approvals as to numbers can cut, and approvals can be denied by others who have no say or should in what you own.. not all communities have that. Law not to feed foul…. Laws number of cars can have in driveway..
Death sentence for another, Lord I never want to be held responsible or accountable sentencing some one to death. But for terrorist caught, evidence and so forth, those I support death sentence. If you feel life ok to take for a cause, statement, why you allowed to live? Am I then being a hyprocrite? Not sure.. I frustrate myself on those feeling. Does 1 wrong make it right to make a decision…whom am I to decide.
I do know that laws are twisted. Many need redefining, and are not challenged till it has been used in enough cases….or goes to Court….then you have legislation be challenged and changed…
29 April, 2018 at 1:08 pm #1094283For example my community too many people cutting down trees on their personal property. For environmental supporters this too much…so now have to get approvals as to numbers can cut, and approvals can be denied by others who have no say or should in what you own.. not all communities have that.
If a tree is on your property should be able to cut it down at any time, for any reason. Given that doing so does not damage the property of another person.
It is your property, not the governments. They have no authoritiy to dictate what you can do with it.
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29 April, 2018 at 1:11 pm #1094285In my opinion there is no cure for peadophiles and they should bring back the death penalty for them. As people they serve no purpose other than to damage others.
I have no pitty for such people and I do believe if I had a gun and if I could shoot them without having to go to prison I could do it and just walk away.
I wouldn’t even look back.
Likewise for serial killers and rapists.
If a wasp stings you, you hit it hard with a newspaper and squash the little bast**d.
No one feels ‘guilty’ for that.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
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