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  • #7266

    A very interesting debate, very much so at the start when Mr Griffin says he welcomes non whites living in Britain.

    Multicultural BNP, might have to join the NF.

    NG, “2 thirds of the people’s of these islands are decended from people who came here the moment the ice melted, and almost all of the remaing one third came here in the nuelethic times as farmers from the middle east, and even the anglo saxon invasion make up a mere 5% of our DNA, the people living in this country, were the aboriganies, were the native indigenous first people”.

    Were not of African decendent afterall.

    NG, “im very good friends with many sikh’s”.

    NG, using Magret Thatchers emploment measures, we have 5 million people unemployed, as oppossed to the new labour figures.

    About 50% of the callers say theres going to be a civil war, a civil war that decides the future of britain.

    Fair play to the BBC for allowing Nick on for most of the show.

    How about Question Time, its clear he has something to say that public want to hear, whether they agree or disagree.


    @emmalush wrote:

    A very interesting debate, very much so at the start when Mr Griffin says he welcomes non whites living in Britain.

    Multicultural BNP, might have to join the NF.

    NG, “2 thirds of the people’s of these islands are decended from people who came here the moment the ice melted, and almost all of the remaing one third came here in the nuelethic times as farmers from the middle east, and even the anglo saxon invasion make up a mere 5% of our DNA, the people living in this country, were the aboriganies, were the native indigenous first people”.

    Were not of African decendent afterall.

    NG, “im very good friends with many sikh’s”.

    NG, using Magret Thatchers emploment measures, we have 5 million people unemployed, as oppossed to the new labour figures.

    About 50% of the callers say theres going to be a civil war, a civil war that decides the future of britain.

    Fair play to the BBC for allowing Nick on for most of the show.

    How about Question Time, its clear he has something to say that public want to hear, whether they agree or disagree.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Theres some sick fvcks run this website :shock:


    @emmalush wrote:

    Theres some sick fvcks run this website :shock:

    I don’t know about that …. but Jokes seemed to be the appropriate place for this post.


    Who is this ‘Nick Griffin’ :? :?



    emmalush wrote:
    Theres some sick fvcks run this website <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt= wrote:

    I don’t know about that …. but Jokes seemed to be the appropriate place for this post.

    Ironicly, the joke is on you, as those who wouldn’t normally venture into thier political society, will listen to the voice of reason, and shun your multicultural mob.


    Nick is a hero of mine



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