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  • #410663

    i repeat

    i have been involved in several of the wild cat strikes and the main issue is this , we have fought for years to get where we are today on blue book sites across britian , we have secured decent pay and conditions , these ppl are comin and breakin the conditions we have agreed , ie workin for less money , even workin through break times, the list is endless , do u think these ppl are being shipped over and provided with occomodation because they are better at thier jobs than us ??? no ! its down to cheap labour , we didnt strike because we wanted preferential treatment ie , jobs to go to british , we was actually being froze out , told british workers neednt apply , we want equality ie , make the migrant workers follow the deals we fought for , pay them the same money etc, do u think employers would be as fast to ship them over then?? this is far from over , it will occur again and again , and will spread into all industries if it isnt stopped , maybe then ppl will see whats happening under thier noses, do you really want to return to the bad days of worker exploitation


    and i repeat the system allows them to, and i was on strike for a year with the miners and i still say it’s the system, not the migrants


    i still dnt know why ppl think its a dig at migrants , its not as ive sed again and again , worker exploitation , and pete i know ur history and ull also know why i feel passionately about this eh


    yeah i aint saying you dont have passion about it but why isnt anyone saying the system that allows them to do it.. a system the good old Brit would exploit should the roles be reversed. The migrants dont work for less money they work for more, for better pay and conditions than in their native country. All i’m saying is we need to stop focusing on them and change the system


    thats what we want , a european change to the system and for everyone to follow national agreements altho this might be difficult as it may be seen to be a ristriction against the free movememnt of labour , also immigrant workers to be unionised


    very good post sarah btw , was bound to get a good debate going :)


    Hmmm interesting …….. oh & there are lots of lazy Brits that think they are above working for the minimum wage & would rather blag off the state than have the self respect of a job albeit a cr*p paid one. Then moan because there are no jobs coz the imigrants have got them all. :wink:



    Grow up the lot of you! Britain doesn’t exist any more, it hasn’t existed for a long time. It is a tiny, insignificant third world island off the coast of Europe. It’s a dumping ground for chavs, criminals, terrorists and third world colonists.

    Get a grip, live your life, die in peace and if you don’t like it – then it’s your own fault. Too late to turn the country around now.


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    Hmmm interesting …….. oh & there are lots of lazy Brits that think they are above working for the minimum wage & would rather blag off the state than have the self respect of a job albeit a cr*p paid one. Then moan because there are no jobs coz the imigrants have got them all. :wink:

    coudn’t have put it better myself !


    @cas wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    Then berate our government and not the migrant workers.

    As for minimum wage.. if it wasnt set it’d be lower

    not sure i agree pete
    i think the minimum wage sinario has kept wages down companys just shrug and say we pay minimum wage take it or leave it and then exploit migrant workers who have little or no choice
    lets be honest who can live a decent life on minimum wage

    Pete does have a point that if there wasn’t a minimum wage set, albeit not exactly a huge amount, it would be even lower, it is in some parts of the country. There are unscrupulous business people paying illegals! a pittance. The law, fortunately, is coming down more and more on them, as it should.

    As for living a decent life on minimum wage Thin. I never said it was easy, it isn’t, so in one way I agree. But people would be entitled to other benefits, ie., housing and council tax benefits, if you have children to support there are other allowances you can get which all added together, gives people a fairly decent standard of living.

    exactly cas the benifits come from people who pay taxes so these mlit national companys who pay pooly are being subsidised by the tax payer yet they make millions

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