Boards Index General discussion Getting serious the plot thickens………………

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  • #322502

    Nowt so queer as folk eh!


    I think most of you have got this wrong.

    And you all need a good hard think about it.

    First we don’t know how long he has live there for.

    We don’t know how much contact he had with the famliy before the start of this case.

    He is only just 22.

    We don’t know how he got the computer, looking at them, I would say it was a second hand computer that could have been given to him by a famliy member or friend.

    I can’t see him having the money for the “latest thing”.

    Given the amount of police interest in this case, I’m sure anyone in there right mind would have removed any such pictures or video from thier personal computer.

    What we do know is that none of the pictures are of the family.

    Given that the police and press did have a close look at him in the last few months and his age, i think this is a case of a second hand computer with a trace of child p orn files.

    As for the child still being in the care of the state, without knowing the family history its hard too tell. Their may be other children from this family already in care.

    From what I have seen its normal for teenage runaways to be placed in care if they leave the family home more than 3 times in a year.

    But without knowing the family history, its hard too tell.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    mabey the uncle took her away to protect her ? if he knew his brother was into little kids ? mabey he told her mum and she ignored the warning ? a stupid thing to do granted. but if he did it to protect her good on him. we will no doubt be told sooner or later..

    Ah … well done for suggesting this waspish …I can see his defence. being concocted already.

    Yes it’s true I abducted her – but it was for her own good (No I can’t explain why I knew her stepfather was a paedophile but didn’t tell anybody about it).

    Yes, in spite of a nationwide manhunt and 24/7 wall to wall publicity, I kept schtumm in order to protect her from her stepfather (No I didn’t tell the proper authorities who could have dealt with it and protected her).

    Yes, I know I hid her from her mother and caused her huge amounts of worry – but I did it because she was living with a pervert.

    OK, I know i hid her in a drawer under the bed and kept her to myself – but i didn’t ”do” anything with her …. honest.

    I’m really a nice guy, not a strange pervert – the perverts are some other members of my family not me !!!

    totally get yer point matey, but the police have said the child was not hurt, or assaulted whilst with this uncle. and im bleddy sure they questioned him for an age to try and wrap this story up, because the longer it takes the worse they look. and im fairly sure they didn let much pass them. if you hetmy meaning. this ws the only concoction that came to mind to me, when i gave it a thought whilst reading the story. there must be a reason she was hunder the bed.? she was unhurt who knows if she was being hidden, or was she herself hiding do we know i dont. it simply looks sange to me that he is to face no charges for harming her. although he is for kidnap and others. ??? i just dont get it?


    I agree Waspish – it is a puzzle eh? Apparently little 9 year old Sharon was found by Police hidden inside a closed drawer that was part of a bed. It’s difficult to see quite how (or indeed why) she should go there unaided.

    I did read briefly that the “Uncle” was also similarly hiding – but I am not sure of all the details on this particular point – it was only briefly mentioned in the Press.

    As for the child porn stuff on the stepfather’s computer ….. it is possible that it was old porn, put there by a previous owner. However, a brief analysis of the disk and child porn files will rapidly disclose the dates on which they wree created and it is then a simple matter to ascertain when the current owner had possession of it (or access to it).

    Also, and as I suspect DOA knows already, simply deleting files and emptying the recycle bin does not actually remove data from a computer’s hard disk. It merely places them onto an unused area of the disk where they can be overwritten by newer files, over time.

    It is a relatively simple process to recover these files from the hard disk, provided that haven’t been overwritten too many times.


    PB four times in this thread (and the other) you have referred to her as Sharon… Im fine, so please check your posts before submitting them, Ive let you off so far, but if I see “little sharon again” I may be forced over the edge… Im only 5 1 and a half, this sort of thing could be detrimental to a woman of my stature!

    Back on topic he has been charged with 10 offences of downloading illegal porn, or being in possession of… Ive missed it now, its gone to the weather as I type.

    Could be an old machine, but then Im sure the police have had this since before Shannon went missing and are sure of the download dates before arrest?


    Sorry about the Sharon typo …. of course I meant Shannon !!! :oops: :oops: :oops:


    admit you got me on the brain innit :lol: :wink:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    admit you got me on the brain innit :lol: :wink:

    OK I’ll admit it …. so much so that my brain hurts>>>>


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    admit you got me on the brain innit :lol: :wink:

    OK I’ll admit it …. so much so that my brain hurts>>>>

    omg that was funny lmao :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I agree Waspish – it is a puzzle eh? Apparently little 9 year old Sharon was found by Police hidden inside a closed drawer that was part of a bed. It’s difficult to see quite how (or indeed why) she should go there unaided.

    I did read briefly that the “Uncle” was also similarly hiding – but I am not sure of all the details on this particular point – it was only briefly mentioned in the Press.

    As for the child porn stuff on the stepfather’s computer ….. it is possible that it was old porn, put there by a previous owner. However, a brief analysis of the disk and child porn files will rapidly disclose the dates on which they wree created and it is then a simple matter to ascertain when the current owner had possession of it (or access to it).

    Also, and as I suspect DOA knows already, simply deleting files and emptying the recycle bin does not actually remove data from a computer’s hard disk. It merely places them onto an unused area of the disk where they can be overwritten by newer files, over time.

    It is a relatively simple process to recover these files from the hard disk, provided that haven’t been overwritten too many times.

    I think DOA might mean programs like DBAN which Nuke the Hard Drive.

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