Boards Index General discussion Getting serious the plot thickens………………

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    Oh just been watching that on the news..F*cking sick ba*stard eh! It`l all
    come out eventually… I so wanna know why that littlun is with family services.

    It must have something to do with that.. even though he denies it.


    Well well well … who would have thought that THIS was a part of the mix???

    Maybe this explains why it ia the Social Services have retained Sharon in care for so long?

    Could her stepfather AND her “Uncle” (currently on remand awaiting trial) have BOTH been involved in her apparent kidnap?


    mabey the uncle took her away to protect her ? if he knew his brother was into little kids ? mabey he told her mum and she ignored the warning ? a stupid thing to do granted. but if he did it to protect her good on him. we will no doubt be told sooner or later..



    Mind you, he looks like a right oddball! :twisted:


    @*Sian wrote:


    Mind you, he looks like a right oddball! :twisted:

    Just someone else the state (sorry we are) going to have to keep in an establishment somewhere…….

    Joke innit!?


    @waspish wrote:

    mabey the uncle took her away to protect her ? if he knew his brother was into little kids ? mabey he told her mum and she ignored the warning ? a stupid thing to do granted. but if he did it to protect her good on him. we will no doubt be told sooner or later..

    Ah … well done for suggesting this waspish …I can see his defence. being concocted already.

    Yes it’s true I abducted her – but it was for her own good (No I can’t explain why I knew her stepfather was a paedophile but didn’t tell anybody about it).

    Yes, in spite of a nationwide manhunt and 24/7 wall to wall publicity, I kept schtumm in order to protect her from her stepfather (No I didn’t tell the proper authorities who could have dealt with it and protected her).

    Yes, I know I hid her from her mother and caused her huge amounts of worry – but I did it because she was living with a pervert.

    OK, I know i hid her in a drawer under the bed and kept her to myself – but i didn’t ”do” anything with her …. honest.

    I’m really a nice guy, not a strange pervert – the perverts are some other members of my family not me !!!


    :lol: One phone call to the Police would have done it, without going to the extraordinary length of kidnap to protect her.

    Your logic needs some work Wasp.


    There is no excuse in abducting her. The perpertrator is already going to have such a shits hot defence working on his case as we speak, and they will cling on to any trivial thing they can, its their job.

    Thank god they still have shannon in protective care so any evidence from her is safe from tampering which would have happened if she were returned to the “family”.

    I doubt this latest twist has anything to do with the case, but I’ll bet it will be used by the sicko that took her somehow in his defence.

    These twists show that the police and social workers were and are 100% right in keeping Shannon away from everything.

    She is a live witness to everything and should be protected absolutely. If being in care until the end of the trial (or forever) is what it takes to get a conviction then so be it.

    I hate to say it but she could probably do with a fresh start once all this is over, poor little girl.


    Totally agree with you Sharon.

    Assuming that Sharon’s stepfather – i.e. her mother’s latest live-in shag – is involved in child pornography; and assumnig that he is convicted; then he’ll probably be put on the sex offender’s register.

    If so, then there is a good chance that the other children in the house will be taken into care so as to prevent him from coming into close contact with them.

    This entire story gets progressively more and more bizarre doesn’t it.??? Does little for the general reputation of the ”extended family” that we heard were so supportive when Sharon was inintially abducted.

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