Of course as exits go
Was important to continue the flow
Insanity reached its peak
Vulnerable yes? but never weak
Drop a bomb then leave with a grin
Still protected they will never get in
He without sin may judge
Excuse me there might be a grudge
Leave them laughing in whatever way
Whichever way suits for that day
The ‘winners’ that won the demise
All caught up in their nonsense and lies
With triumph will reboot and live on
Its a much nicer world with them gone
No more ridicule and pulling at strings
Far better to focus on other things
Let them bray like donkeys no care
Will be constant even though they’re not there
They can giggle with girlish glee
They can no longer converse with me
There was only one way it could go
To keen eyes it was so easy to know
It’s all over when the fat lady sings
So she sang then she grew some new wings
Just because others may laugh at your wake
They don’t matter because they’re all fake
Another chapter awaits so must fly
Life only really ends when you die
copywrite sl
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