Boards Index General discussion Getting serious The New British Passport – Oh Glorious Days!

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  • #1090587

    So you don’t have an answer?/

    Jut hold your breath and dive?

    Fortune doesn’t always favour the brave, I’m afraid.

    responsible people always prepare for things going wrong.

    And you haven’t??

    And if you’re wrong, you’re saying you’ve landed us all – including the old and the sick and disabled – in a canoe with no paddle???



    I read the 1st post correctly , ” Our passport will be made in France. Naturally it’s dearer, but hey, if you want glorious independence we’ll all have to pay the price.” Now correct me if I’m wrong, but does this say or not say that the new passports made by the French company will cost more ?

    Give a “fair” answer please. Stop ignoring the question.


    And when you have, can you answer me on the Turin Shroud thread please x



    And if you’re wrong, you’re saying you’ve landed us all – including the old and the sick and disabled – in a canoe with no paddle???

    I don’t know where you have been for the past 8 years under tory (lib dem) austerity. Those you mention have been hammered relentlessly for the past 8 years. Project fear, using those it didn’t care about for 8 years, now.

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    Well although Scep still hasn’t answered my most simple question I will , out of politeness answer his. My answer is ‘ I have no idea what Plan B would entail.

    In return I would like to ask my own question.

    What is the Plan B now ?  The NHS is on its knee’s, our schools are failing, Social Service funding is being axed and yet our boarders our bulging. We need extra housing, more schools, more hospitals, more nurses, doctors, teachers, etc etc  and we have to pay 35 million pound a day to the EU to have some nameless, faceless tosser tell us how bendy our banana’s should be. As I said earlier ‘Fortune Favours the Brave’, we need to go for it ! It cant get any worse lol


    This isn’t a trick question, Mooosey.

    This isn’t any wisecracking about things, or cheap sidestepping.

    This is something which affects every one of us, whoever we are.

    It affects the welfare of my family, of your family. We both love our family, we care about their welfare.

    I’m ignoring the suspici9ous to throw a smoke cloud over this, it’s deadly serious.

    I know you care about the welfare of your family, of the patients you look after, Ms M. I knnow what it’s taking out of you, the sheer hard work of it all. I have nothing bbut respect for you over this.

    The think ahead for them all. If you’re right, we can all rest easily. If I’m alive I’ll order you a Christmas meal, free of charge to you, I’ll be so grateful

    but you don’t have a Plan B? You are putting us all at risk without a Plan B in case things go wrong?




    This mythical plan B, what plan B does the EU have. This mythical la la land that the failing EU has all the answers and nobody else does. It is quite frankly, ludicrous.


    Are you for real ? Or do you sit in your own little ivory tower thinking you know ‘how’ it is out there ? for the disabled and poor it cant get any worse ! their funding has been cut year after year. There is not enough money to go round ! People do actually live in slum like dwellings !!  IN 2018 !

    Whats your plan b ? I could argue that by resisting change so Vehemently you are subjecting us all to more of the same if not worse !! Maybe you and I are ”ok jack”  but many many aren’t !!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  mooosey88.
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    It cant get any worse lol

    In your dreams it can’t.

    You know as well as I do that it can get very much worse.


    really, it’s not a trick question. It’s as basic as a doctor assesses the chance of surviving a major operation, and assessing what happens if problems arise.. no doctor says well that question is bothersome, I’d rather ask how do we deal with the patient’s other problems?

    If you get it right, and we have minimal disruption and everybody thrives, then the social crisis will be resolved. I’m quite confident about that.

    But if you’re wrong, then the social crisis will get much worse. Much worse.

    I’m asking the most basic question – something which affects the family you love and the family I love.

    And you’re putting them at risk on a gamble?


    I have to go.

    Cooking time.

    I’m not making insults against anybody here. It’s too important for insults or cheap snides otr attempts to avoid.

    I hope anyone reading this will recognise its importance.

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