Boards Index General discussion Getting serious The New British Passport – Oh Glorious Days!

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  • #1090525

    Aw, Gerry, Gerrry…


    you don’t read the news properly.


    Gemalto, the French company, says that 70 jobs are going to be created.

    De la Rue, the British company which have held the rights, said that it was likely that many more than 70 jobs are going to be lost there. Hundreds of workers are involved in making the passports for De La Rue in Gateshead, Bath and Manchester. At least a portion of them will be made unemployed.

    The Home Office has said that there is no requirement for the passport to be made in the UK. If Gemalto can make them cheaper in France…. but the profits will go to Gemalto.

    The British company, De la Rue, said that it was prevented from bidding for the contracts to produce German and French passports under the national security rules of those countries.

    Gemalto, is in the process of being acquired by Thales, the French defence contractor.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  sceptical guy.


    And just to illustrate my point. More fake Remain propaganda exposed. You just can’t trust these people to tell the truth, in context.

    And there was me thinking that manufacturing jobs were mainly lost 35 years ago under Thatcher, whereas in Gerryworld it was the anti-Brexiteers who were allowing it all to go.

    “Under the total time Labour was in office, manufacturing fell from a share of 18% of the economy in 1997 to 10% by 2010 (the closest available approximations). Up to the end of Tony Blair’s premiership it fell to 11% by 2007. No previous stint of government for any party since 1970 saw this level of decline from start to finish.”

    “But that isn’t the whole story – the 1970-74 government of Edward Heath presided over a steeper slide in manufacturing’s share per year, falling by almost 1% point per year.”





    You either have to have an irish parent or grand parent or alternatively you can gain 1 by marriage I got mine through my grand mother


    Aw, mummy,

    Gewwey’s being vewy vewy nawty.

    He’s just bin Trumping the news about passports, and now he’s trying to blind everybody with wonky statistics* (discussed below for the last time if I can help it you swindler) to bore and confuse people. He call poor me a liar, mummy, but he not even reading his own link, mummy, and making me work to get the facts right.

    Me not doing it again if me can help it, mummy.

    Aw mummy, give Gewwy a smacked botty or he’s going to obscure things even more, mummy..

    Yeah, go on..He really wants it as well, and we can all watch and laugh.






    * the link talks about manufacturing by value added, not the share of manufacturing in the economy.

    For the collapse in manufacturing under Thatcher see

    and I am not not not getting into an obscurantist and boring debate about statistics.

    Suffice it to say that the amount of manufacturing employment plummeted in 1979-82, with the percentage of blue-collar workers as a portion of the workforce dropping below 50% for the first time.

    The link you gave (!) points out that the decline o manufacturing is a long-term phenomenon taking place since the end of the Second World War – what economists describe as a secular decline. This is confirmed in every other economic source, Thatcherite, anti-Thatcherite.

    Stop  Trumping statistics gerry. I’m not answering any mor as it wastes my time and obscures everything. Precisely the point of you selecting.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  sceptical guy.

    You either have to have an irish parent or grand parent or alternatively you can gain 1 by marriage I got mine through my grand mother


    That what I thought – and feared.

    I was hoping against hope you might know a way.

    many thanks, anyway, Paigey. Yours was the only post I was looking out for.


    There may still be a way, depending on how (or if) they’re going to sort out northern Ireland’s special status.

    My guess is that brexit may well collapse n the issue, but hope as I might,, I may well be wrong on that.

    Sinn Fein is wanting Northern Ireland to be a special zone remaining inside the EU and the UK. That would give me hope. But I gather the French could veto that as they fear that Ireland will be a sieve for UK good to enter the EU free of charge.

    An insoluble problem which could well wreck brexit. Good if the UK calls Brexit off; bad if we fall off the cliff edge. That really will spell havoc.

    Still, May must have something up her sleeve! :unsure:


    Why can’t you argue your point like an adult instead of the provocative, condescending, baby talk ? It sounds ridiculous, in my opinion….



    I argue like an adult with adults.

    Read the serious bits which show that Gerry is distorting the very links he’s using.

    The rude man is making me work and I’ve no need to find other links to oppose him. His own links do that *sheesh.


    What do you think of the arguments about the French company likely to make people unemployed in the UK?

    Now that would be an adult discussion?

    Or maybe you don’t want to think about that, as it woul weaken your own view of what things should be like???


    @supreme-overlord-paigey  now u can visit @blueyedboy  WINNING!…


    I’ve not read up on all the ins and outs of it to be honest. Maybe De La Rue who have supplied the passports for the last 5 years did not put in a competitive enough bid ? Gemalto, which specialises in identity documents, is listed on both the Amsterdam and Paris stock exchanges. It already supplies passports to the US, Denmark, France and India . That’s  how a Global market works isn’t it ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  mooosey88.


    I haven’t distorted any facts at all. This whole thread is based on false facts by the author.

    Sceptical makes big grand statements quoting others, passes them off as factual and without providing any sources and the only source he does provide is a hard left socialist site. Compared to my well respected independent site which as a charity is subject to impartiality rules.

    For anyone interested this link shows the reality of the decline in manufacturing and the jobs lost, debunking Scepticals false claim it was predominately under Thatcher.



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