Boards Index General discussion Getting serious the mccanns latest………food for thought?

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  • #286210

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @PB wrote:

    …..the sainted and holy Mother McCann has such a hard expressionless look on her face all the time. She contrives to show no emotion at all whatever the situation.

    Could it be that she is cold and heartless inside as well?????[/b][/color]

    Got me started now, but hey…

    What gives you the right to arrogantly wade into someone, and declare them cold and heartless. Ya dont know these people do you? A lot of people I’ve seen on have said they are caring loving parents who just made a mistake. Bloo.dy arrogance I’d say.

    I’m not comfortable about the ”arrogantly wade into someone” bit, but what I am doing is expressing my opinion based on my own observation. Your right, of course, is to disagree with me.

    I’ve watched her over and over again as she attained her world fame status in the Media as the ”people’s mother” and every time I see her she appears to be totally expressionless – no reaction facially at all, just that same cold hard stare.

    Of course we can’t know what she is REALLY feeling inside, but I have often found that people’s faces are a gateway to their inner emotions. Maybe I could empathise more with her if she smiled or even cried, or looked even slightly sad or maybe distraught, but this blank expressionless look of hers is frankly a bit disturbing.

    As for the McCanns being ”caring loving parents who just made a mistake” – frankly words fail me.

    Actually they left their three defenceless children alone and totally unprotected in a strange (to them) apartment in a foreign country with the door unlocked. They could have had a babysitter … they could have taken them to the bar with them and stayed together as a family, but no …. such was the depth of their caring and loving that they just went off out with their friends for a good time and abandoned their children to whatever fate had in store for them.

    BTW – people who commit crimes don’t ”just make a mistake”, they make a deliberate choice to do the act and afterwards try to wriggle out of their culpability with this idiotic excuse. We all have the opportunity to make choices in our lives – if you make a wrong (or criminal) choice then the consequences fall on you for making it.

    There is no evidence to suggest these people have commited a crime. You talk as if it’s all done and dusted, and they’re guilty. Clearly it’s not all done and dusted.

    Sorry, but I have to say the arrogant part again. Calling another human being “cold and heartless” is not a nice thing to say. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Were always gonna come back to this part about leaving the children alone. Yes they made a mistake. They’ll pay for it for the rest of the lives. You and the others on this board have gleefully mocked and belittled these people since day one though.


    I would suggest finding maddie’s blood in the car would be a indication something isnt to well, but also i guess it could be there from a totally innocent reason, altho im sure the police would maybe have some kind of idea how long that blood had been there and go from there. THEY DID IT DAMN IT, JUST ACCEPT IT FOLKS :twisted:


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    So this effectively “stops” the search campaign for maddie, doesnt it. :?

    I suspect that very very sadly the only answer is “Yes”. I think that most people believe that poor little Maddie (who is the REAL victim in all this) is actually dead.

    The current suggestion is that the holy & self-righteous McCanns have some form of direct knowledge of this and their constant exhortations to keep on searching for Maddie (alive) is nothing more than a grossly cynical attempt to manipulate the Media and turn the spotlight away from their own alleged involvement.

    To pick up on your other point Sharon (“Why did they [the Police] announce a month ago they had made “significant findings”) ….. as I understand it they discovered the blood and ”other ” stuff in the McCann’s hire car as well as forensic traces of a dead body having been in their apartment. However, the DNA results at that stage had not been received from the British labs.

    It was only when the preliminary DNA evidence was made available and was presumably considered in the light of all the other evidence collected to date, that the police made their move.

    That said … I haven’t read anywhere that the blood in the McCann’s hire car was ACTUALLY that of Maddie (i.e. proved by DNA profiling). It has been really strongly hinted at but the police haven’t made that specific statement.

    However, it is reasonable to assume under the circumstances that they do have strong forensic (and other) evidence such that they are prepared to question BOTH McCanns for many many hours, in the full Media spotlight, and to formally announce to the world that they BOTH are now officially suspects.

    I fully accept that there is a long way to go and that there are numerous facts of which we are totally unaware ….. but …. it also seems to me that the theory of a mystery and wholly unseen kidnapper is beginning to look less and less likely.

    Ah right. If this Forensic Evidence was so strong and watertight then why havent they been charged yet? Tabloid talk, and gossip.

    Firstly EVEN the people claiming (with FAR more vehemence) that they DIDNT do it are ALSO “wildly speculating” but are too close minded or simple to see that glaringly obvious FACT

    As for why they havent charged them, well DUH, thats a bit of a no brainer really isnt it?

    There IS still the possibility that the rental car was rented by someone else, or lent to someone else who then transported the body meaning the DNA wasnt there by virtue of the virtuous sociopathic Mcanns

    Also theres the quite possible chance that only one of them had anything to do with her death and/or any knowledge of it. And if both protest their innocence and each says it must therefore be the other if the evidence is totally damning niether of them can be charged

    So the police at the moment will be applying pressure to both, offering deals for one to indisputeably incriminate the other either to prove their own innocence or to be given a lesser sentence for co-operating or by creating the impression that one is trying to implicate the other in the hopes that will cause the other one to blurt out a confession

    Because even if just one is involved or if both were it HAS to be actually known and proven otherwise niether can be charged for fear of one who is innocent being charged so both would have to be released even if it was known beyond a shadow of a doubt that at least one of them killed her and disposed of the body

    But I am sure that “wildly speculating” that the delay therefore proves innocence is far easier than actually looking at the significance in a logical impartial manner


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    There is no evidence to suggest these people have commited a crime. You talk as if it’s all done and dusted, and they’re guilty. Clearly it’s not all done and dusted.

    Sorry, but I have to say the arrogant part again. Calling another human being “cold and heartless” is not a nice thing to say. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Were always gonna come back to this part about leaving the children alone. Yes they made a mistake. They’ll pay for it for the rest of the lives. You and the others on this board have gleefully mocked and belittled these people since day one though.

    My sentiments entirely. =D> =D> =D>

    And I honestly hope they are proved to be innocent. Not so much for them. But so that I can watch the arrogant smiles wiped off the faces of the smug bas*tards on these boards that have had it in for them since day one.



    @fastcars wrote:

    My sentiments entirely. =D> =D> =D>

    And I honestly hope they are proved to be innocent. Not so much for them. But so that I can watch the that have had it in for them since day one.[/color]

    If you think anyone who’s made comments on this are wearing arrogant smug smiles, then your even more small minded than I had you down for in the first place. :roll:

    I think most people here would want that child to be found alive, but it’s looking more and more unlikely.

    BTW it’s not a MISTAKE!!,,,,,,,,a mistake is not doing something you meant to do, an error in paperwork etc., leaving 3 small children alone, is not a mistake!!!


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @PB wrote:

    …..the sainted and holy Mother McCann has such a hard expressionless look on her face all the time. She contrives to show no emotion at all whatever the situation.

    Could it be that she is cold and heartless inside as well?????[/b][/color]

    Got me started now, but hey…

    What gives you the right to arrogantly wade into someone, and declare them cold and heartless. Ya dont know these people do you? A lot of people I’ve seen on have said they are caring loving parents who just made a mistake. Bloo.dy arrogance I’d say.

    I’m not comfortable about the ”arrogantly wade into someone” bit, but what I am doing is expressing my opinion based on my own observation. Your right, of course, is to disagree with me.

    I’ve watched her over and over again as she attained her world fame status in the Media as the ”people’s mother” and every time I see her she appears to be totally expressionless – no reaction facially at all, just that same cold hard stare.

    Of course we can’t know what she is REALLY feeling inside, but I have often found that people’s faces are a gateway to their inner emotions. Maybe I could empathise more with her if she smiled or even cried, or looked even slightly sad or maybe distraught, but this blank expressionless look of hers is frankly a bit disturbing.

    As for the McCanns being ”caring loving parents who just made a mistake” – frankly words fail me.

    Actually they left their three defenceless children alone and totally unprotected in a strange (to them) apartment in a foreign country with the door unlocked. They could have had a babysitter … they could have taken them to the bar with them and stayed together as a family, but no …. such was the depth of their caring and loving that they just went off out with their friends for a good time and abandoned their children to whatever fate had in store for them.

    BTW – people who commit crimes don’t ”just make a mistake”, they make a deliberate choice to do the act and afterwards try to wriggle out of their culpability with this idiotic excuse. We all have the opportunity to make choices in our lives – if you make a wrong (or criminal) choice then the consequences fall on you for making it.

    There is no evidence to suggest these people have commited a crime. You talk as if it’s all done and dusted, and they’re guilty. Clearly it’s not all done and dusted.

    Sorry, but I have to say the arrogant part again. Calling another human being “cold and heartless” is not a nice thing to say. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Were always gonna come back to this part about leaving the children alone. Yes they made a mistake. They’ll pay for it for the rest of the lives. You and the others on this board have gleefully mocked and belittled these people since day one though.

    They have committed a crime, a jailable one infact in portugal, the crime of leaving minors unnattended, as for any other crimes they might have committed NOBODY, not you nor I knows that with the exception of the Mcanns and yet you STILL post as you youre somehow “in the know” and anyone with a differing opinion is “speculating” lol

    Do you actually have any “facts” to support your stance? NO

    So youre JUST expressing an opinion like everyone else based on nothing at all of substance, and to be honest on far less substance than many of the views that think they are hiding something

    Whether acurate or not there IS nothing wrong with someone saying that another person “seems” cold and heartless, its an opinion, and one based on how that person “seems” based on how they look and act, as there are majorative norms with each and every form of behaviour in each and every situation

    There are however exceptions, but the most reliable starting place IS with the majorative norm, thats why its CALLED the majorative norm in the first place and not the minor actuality, or the absolute behaviour, because MOST of the time its the norm, but sometimes its not

    But I think the biggest sign even tho to most it seems to be the least noticed that they are perhaps sociopathic is the way they talk about leaving their kids, even people who do this will be aware that the social norm would be that its negligent and frowned upon behaviour and would therefore at least try and fake some sign of guilt or conscience in public even if they didnt actually feel any of those things

    But the Mcanns at every stage have dismissed this as tho what they actually did was look away for a mere second and then she was gone, no sign of guilt, no hint of responsibility, no statement of negligence, wrong doing or remorse

    Just the passing comments that “we were naive” with the conviction of someone who thinks they didnt REALLY do anything wrong despite the obvious consequences of that “booboo”

    Most of the other “signs”people claim to see can be explained away possibly by numbness, but that absence of any significant realisation of their MASSIVE mistake is a different kettle of fish entirely and is a far more prevalent hint that they are emotionally detached from more normal socially brainwashed ways of thinking in my opinion and based on many years of having to look for similar “significant” signs in peoples behaviour when they are actively and constantly trying to hide any such signs with all their conscious actions and statements because in those instances you can pretty much ignore the bulk of what is said or claimed and the real indications tend to show up in associative “foibles” that people arent even aware will seem odd to other people in the first place so they see no reason to dress them up

    I will stress however that someone being sociopathic doesnt mean they will or could have killed their daughter, millions of people are to varying degrees leaning towards a sociopathic disposition, most without even realising it and live perfectly normal albeit slightly detached troubled lives as a result

    Its just a different way of someone seeing the world, signified by their inability to “feel” to the same degree as the majority so they make up for it with logic and mimicry of how “others” would act in a given situation to compensate and fit in, but the signs of that facade are pretty easy to spot it you know what youre looking for


    @ubermik wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @PB wrote:

    …..the sainted and holy Mother McCann has such a hard expressionless look on her face all the time. She contrives to show no emotion at all whatever the situation.

    Could it be that she is cold and heartless inside as well?????[/b][/color]

    Got me started now, but hey…

    What gives you the right to arrogantly wade into someone, and declare them cold and heartless. Ya dont know these people do you? A lot of people I’ve seen on have said they are caring loving parents who just made a mistake. Bloo.dy arrogance I’d say.

    I’m not comfortable about the ”arrogantly wade into someone” bit, but what I am doing is expressing my opinion based on my own observation. Your right, of course, is to disagree with me.

    I’ve watched her over and over again as she attained her world fame status in the Media as the ”people’s mother” and every time I see her she appears to be totally expressionless – no reaction facially at all, just that same cold hard stare.

    Of course we can’t know what she is REALLY feeling inside, but I have often found that people’s faces are a gateway to their inner emotions. Maybe I could empathise more with her if she smiled or even cried, or looked even slightly sad or maybe distraught, but this blank expressionless look of hers is frankly a bit disturbing.

    As for the McCanns being ”caring loving parents who just made a mistake” – frankly words fail me.

    Actually they left their three defenceless children alone and totally unprotected in a strange (to them) apartment in a foreign country with the door unlocked. They could have had a babysitter … they could have taken them to the bar with them and stayed together as a family, but no …. such was the depth of their caring and loving that they just went off out with their friends for a good time and abandoned their children to whatever fate had in store for them.

    BTW – people who commit crimes don’t ”just make a mistake”, they make a deliberate choice to do the act and afterwards try to wriggle out of their culpability with this idiotic excuse. We all have the opportunity to make choices in our lives – if you make a wrong (or criminal) choice then the consequences fall on you for making it.

    There is no evidence to suggest these people have commited a crime. You talk as if it’s all done and dusted, and they’re guilty. Clearly it’s not all done and dusted.

    Sorry, but I have to say the arrogant part again. Calling another human being “cold and heartless” is not a nice thing to say. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Were always gonna come back to this part about leaving the children alone. Yes they made a mistake. They’ll pay for it for the rest of the lives. You and the others on this board have gleefully mocked and belittled these people since day one though.

    They have committed a crime, a jailable one infact in portugal, the crime of leaving minors unnattended, as for any other crimes they might have committed NOBODY, not you nor I knows that with the exception of the Mcanns and yet you STILL post as you youre somehow “in the know” and anyone with a differing opinion is “speculating” lol

    Do you actually have any “facts” to support your stance? NO

    So youre JUST expressing an opinion like everyone else based on nothing at all of substance, and to be honest on far less substance than many of the views that think they are hiding something

    Whether acurate or not there IS nothing wrong with someone saying that another person “seems” cold and heartless, its an opinion, and one based on how that person “seems” based on how they look and act, as there are majorative norms with each and every form of behaviour in each and every situation

    There are however exceptions, but the most reliable starting place IS with the majorative norm, thats why its CALLED the majorative norm in the first place and not the minor actuality, or the absolute behaviour, because MOST of the time its the norm, but sometimes its not

    But I think the biggest sign even tho to most it seems to be the least noticed that they are perhaps sociopathic is the way they talk about leaving their kids, even people who do this will be aware that the social norm would be that its negligent and frowned upon behaviour and would therefore at least try and fake some sign of guilt or conscience in public even if they didnt actually feel any of those things

    But the Mcanns at every stage have dismissed this as tho what they actually did was look away for a mere second and then she was gone, no sign of guilt, no hint of responsibility, no statement of negligence, wrong doing or remorse

    Just the passing comments that “we were naive” with the conviction of someone who thinks they didnt REALLY do anything wrong despite the obvious consequences of that “booboo”

    Most of the other “signs”people claim to see can be explained away possibly by numbness, but that absence of any significant realisation of their MASSIVE mistake is a different kettle of fish entirely and is a far more prevalent hint that they are emotionally detached from more normal socially brainwashed ways of thinking in my opinion and based on many years of having to look for similar “significant” signs in peoples behaviour when they are actively and constantly trying to hide any such signs with all their conscious actions and statements because in those instances you can pretty much ignore the bulk of what is said or claimed and the real indications tend to show up in associative “foibles” that people arent even aware will seem odd to other people in the first place so they see no reason to dress them up

    I will stress however that someone being sociopathic doesnt mean they will or could have killed their daughter, millions of people are to varying degrees leaning towards a sociopathic disposition, most without even realising it and live perfectly normal albeit slightly detached troubled lives as a result

    Its just a different way of someone seeing the world, signified by their inability to “feel” to the same degree as the majority so they make up for it with logic and mimicry of how “others” would act in a given situation to compensate and fit in, but the signs of that facade are pretty easy to spot it you know what youre looking for

    If it;s a jailable offfence why arent they in Jail? Maybe you should tell the Police if it;s a jailable offence, since they havent been charged for leaving a minor alone yet to my knowledge.

    I dont have to prove anything. I’ll always assume someones innocent until proven guilty. This is the basis of Democracy. I wont indulge in Chatroom Gossip or Witchhunting with a Clique. Nor will I ever mock or kick people when they’re down. I’ll leave that to ya’ll.


    @fastcars wrote:

    ……..And I honestly hope they are proved to be innocent. Not so much for them. But so that I can watch the arrogant smiles wiped off the faces of the smug bas*tards on these boards that have had it in for them since day one.

    With great respect, but I am not smiling about this – after all a little girl is missing and quite likely dead and above all we must never forget that. SHE is the victim here.

    That said Fasty, I have always expressed my opinion that the sainted and holy McCanns were somehow involved, because I believe that they were. I have never bought in to the mystery kidnapper story.

    I guess that I get pretty cynical when the Media launches itself into a frenzy and whips up public sentiment on a subject. most times they ignore the facts and present their editorial as the only truth.

    I hated it when they portrayed the sainted McCanns as the victims but conveniently avoided mentioning the major part that they played in Maddie’s demise.

    So if it eventually turns out that they REALLY had absolutely and totally no part to play in Maddie’s disappearance or death (other than abandoning her) I shall be utterly and completely amazed …. but there won’t be an arrogant smile to be wiped off my face because a little girl is (probably) dead and I am a parent of a little girl.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    ……..And I honestly hope they are proved to be innocent. Not so much for them. But so that I can watch the arrogant smiles wiped off the faces of the smug bas*tards on these boards that have had it in for them since day one.

    With great respect, but I am not smiling about this – after all a little girl is missing and quite likely dead and above all we must never forget that. SHE is the victim here.

    That said Fasty, I have always expressed my opinion that the sainted and holy McCanns were somehow involved, because I believe that they were. I have never bought in to the mystery kidnapper story.

    I guess that I get pretty cynical when the Media launches itself into a frenzy and whips up public centiment on a subject. most times they ignore the facts and present their editorial as the only truth.

    I hated it when they portrayed the sainted McCanns as the victims but conveniently avoided mentioning the major part that they played in Maddie’s demise.

    So if it eventually turns out that they REALLY had absolutely and totally no part to play in Maddie’s disappearance or death (other than abandoning her) I shall be utterly and completely amazed …. but there won’t be an arrogant smile to be wiped off my face because a little girl is (probably) dead and I am a parent of a little girl.

    That excuses the feeding frenzy you and the rest have indulged in towards these people? Yes they made a mistake, but some of the comments on this board have been nothing short of disgraceful.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    ……..And I honestly hope they are proved to be innocent. Not so much for them. But so that I can watch the arrogant smiles wiped off the faces of the smug bas*tards on these boards that have had it in for them since day one.

    With great respect, but I am not smiling about this – after all a little girl is missing and quite likely dead and above all we must never forget that. SHE is the victim here.

    That said Fasty, I have always expressed my opinion that the sainted and holy McCanns were somehow involved, because I believe that they were. I have never bought in to the mystery kidnapper story.

    I guess that I get pretty cynical when the Media launches itself into a frenzy and whips up public sentiment on a subject. most times they ignore the facts and present their editorial as the only truth.

    I hated it when they portrayed the sainted McCanns as the victims but conveniently avoided mentioning the major part that they played in Maddie’s demise.

    So if it eventually turns out that they REALLY had absolutely and totally no part to play in Maddie’s disappearance or death (other than abandoning her) I shall be utterly and completely amazed …. but there won’t be an arrogant smile to be wiped off my face because a little girl is (probably) dead and I am a parent of a little girl.

    And this is probably your first non-smug post on the subject that you have made to date. Spoken from the heart without any of the normal arrogance shown in your previous statements. It was actually a pleasure to read.

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