Boards Index General discussion Getting serious The Mccanns and Matthews Syndrome

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    @sword wrote:

    About as competent as an Essex girl on a message board… but this was taped in interview with the mother allegedly.

    inconpetant then :roll:


    since these 2 cases have been listed, to me both family look to iffy..!!! sorry but the McCanns should be held responisponable for their missin daughter, as if they have not taken libertys leavin their 3 kids which were all under the age of 4…!!! whilest they went selfishly to eat with friends without their children….!! why if they wanted to do this, why didnt they let the kids stay at home with other concernin memebrs of their family…!!! no they went on a family hoilday…!!! does that not mean, u don’t leave them…????



    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    since these 2 cases have been listed, to me both family look to iffy..!!! sorry but the McCanns should be held responisponable for their missin daughter, as if they have not taken libertys leavin their 3 kids which were all under the age of 4…!!! whilest they went selfishly to eat with friends without their children….!! why if they wanted to do this, why didnt they let the kids stay at home with other concernin memebrs of their family…!!! no they went on a family hoilday…!!! does that not mean, u don’t leave them…????

    Exactly right Mary. So apparantly over breakfast Maddie asks her parents why they didn,t come to them the night before when they cried. The sainted McCanns then decided to keep a “closer watch” on the children. Hours later, they leave all 3 of them in an unlocked apartment whilst they go out for a nice cosy meal and few bottles of plonk with their mates. Maybe they had a set of bincoculars to keep a “close watch”, between gulps of wine. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


    As much as maybe in hindsight they shouldn’t have left the children, i believe as pebbles said earlier it happens alot on these holiday places, and i guess they naively didn’t expect it.I’m not saying it was right to do cos i dont agree with that part but they are not the only ones to ever have done so.
    Now the thing i find strange is …. if they did indeed have something to do with her disappearance why only Maddie why not the twins ?
    I can’t believe its for the money cos initially they were funding alot of it them selves before the fund was set up, so i can’t see the aim was financial, and besides they were financially secure with well paid jobs unlike the Matthews case! So on that point why would you want to get 1 child kidnapped if its not for money ? Were they p’d off with her ? why her and not the twins ? i mean they still got 2 kids to look after so what exactly would they have to gain from it all ?
    Maybe if there is answers to these questions we can truly put them in the frame, until then i dont see any motive behind it what so ever.
    And as for the crying thing, is it child neglect to let a child cry ? dont we do that with babies at the advice of professionals ? Like i say in hindsight yes we can all see if only’s and it’s easy to say WE wouldn’t have done that. Despite keeping an eye on my child more so than alot of normal kids cos of his problems i have as i think some one else commented lost him in the supermarket when he ran off before, yes your heart is in your throat and you think if only i hadn’t looked away to reach that tin of something but it happens as humans we make mistakes, sadly the MCcanns made a huge one that alot of us disagree with, but i think its kinda tough to twist the knife when they are probably regretting alot of things. But as i said earlier until i can work the answer out “what was there motive ” i don’t believe it was them that had a part in it.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    And as for the crying thing, is it child neglect to let a child cry ? dont we do that with babies at the advice of professionals ?

    This may be true …. but what we DON’T do is to leave babies / young children alone in a flat / house (crying or not) without an adult being present to safeguard them !!!

    It now emerges that the sainted McCanns didn’t just leave Maddie and the younger twins alone and un-safeguarded for only the one evening (whilst they went out to enjoy themselves) – but they, by their own admission, did it on several occasions.

    Fact is that they are BOTH medical professionals and therefore they have knowledge of the laws surrounding the safeguarding of children – and yet they still chose to ignore these laws and abandoned their children.


    You can’t watch your kids 24/7, there are times when you have to leave them alone.

    But the more a women earns, the more they think its ok to be a “4th class mum”

    We all know how hard it is to be locked up with the kids all day, it’s a living hell that never ends !!!!!!

    I have to ask the question if I was on me holl’s with the mrs and it was hot and the kids had been a pain in the a ss all day, would I leave them in a hotel room while I had me dinner and a rest?

    Yes I sodding would, we all would.

    What we all seem to forget here is that kids under 5 year old are a pain in the a ss and being stuck with 3 of them all day in 30C of heat must have been a living hell.

    I know that they should have watch them more closely, but its like leaving the kids outside the public bog when you need a good long sh1t, sometimes it can’t be helped.

    Chain the little fecks up and people moan at yea.

    You just can’t win.

    The risk of a case like the mccanns is about one in 3 millon, their more chance of them being hit by blue water (“blue water”, wast from airline bogs being dump while the airplain is in flight).

    I think this case should have been close months ago and the Mccanns should have just got back on with there lives, it can’t be doing them any good and its time we all move on.


    Yeah good analogy he of no kids (as myself but have had the misfortune to live with someone and her brats in the past).

    Lets all leave kids under 5 alone in a room to get up to whatever mischief with live electrics, gas, knives, and whatever else danger they can find for themselves. Any right minded parent wouldn’t leave their kids alone for 30 minutes, let alone all evening, every evening. It was a disaster waiting to happen and if that woman from Yorks has been charged with child neglect then why the hell shouldn’t the McCanns be charged with the same offence?


    Gotta ask yourself why this was leaked at this time. Portugese Police are a bunch of corrupt sleazebags.


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    Gotta ask yourself why this was leaked at this time. Portugese Police are a bunch of corrupt sleazebags.

    Thats just deflecting the blame from the McCanns.


    Sword wrote:
    Yeah good analogy he of no kids (as myself but have had the misfortune to live with someone and her brats in the past).

    Lets all leave kids under 5 alone in a room to get up to whatever mischief with live electrics, gas, knives, and whatever else danger they can find for themselves. Any right minded parent wouldn’t leave their kids alone for 30 minutes, let alone all evening, every evening. It was a disaster waiting to happen and if that woman from Yorks has been charged with child neglect then why the hell shouldn’t the McCanns be charged with the same offence?[/quote]

    Exactly right Geoff. If the McCanns had been common old Mr and Mrs Joe Bloggs living on a council estate in Peckham, they,d have been charged with child neglect at the very least. But for some reason, because they are “highly respected” doctors, this rule doesn,t seem to apply to them as it would the rest of us. And doa, you don,t stop being a parent when your on holiday. If your the kind of person who can,t stand the thought of kids disturbing your nice evening meal/bottles of plonk on holiday, then don,t have kids….simple!! You can,t just pick them up and put them down when it suits you. Once you become a parent your a parent for life and you have responsibilites. The vast majority of us take those responsibilities seriously, obviously the McCanns don,t. They seemed to have been far more concerned with their own enjoyment than the saftey of their own children, which should have been paramount.

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