Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › "the leaders of all the devolved UK governments"
15 September, 2007 at 8:57 am #277910
But only by agreement, though. If the IoM wanted to have its own foreign policy it could, an presumably it could also, in theory, raise its own army or paramilitary force as long as it was all under the crown.
15 September, 2007 at 9:06 am #277911As I said before, I’m firmly behind Great Britain staying together as a single nation. OK, I want it to be a republic, not a monarchy, but we talk about our ‘island nation’ and that is how it should stay. Notice I didn’t say UK. I haven’t brought Northern Ireland into the question not because I don’t think it should remain part of UK but because its future is uncertain and should be determined by its population and nobody else.
But in Great Britain the nationalists are at large doing their damage. The treacherous Welsh Plaid Cymru leader is now talking about ‘nation building’ in the province of Wales.
So if Britain is to split up what should happen to England? England should disappear and be split into autonomous ‘nations’ of Cornwall, Wessex, Mercia, Anglia, Northumbria and Cantabria. Then our political scene will be made more interesting by the pompous uttereances of our own little treacherous leaders!!!!
15 September, 2007 at 10:24 am #277912Now that is an interesting point- Could Engalnd&Wales become the Serbia&Montengro of Western Europe? Should Cornwall (as already stated, never actaully ceded into the UK at any point in its history) become autonomous? Wessex and Mercia don’t exist anymore so may be more difficult to find any support for autonomy- also the demography of both regions has changed over the last few hundred years- Mercians (as they would be now) would have very little affiliation with something that ceased to exist centuries ago as many of them have ancestry, in this country, which only goes back 3 or 4 generations
IMO the monarchy is one of the few “institutions” which is holding the fabric of the UK together in terms of a single country- a move to a republic would in all essence guarrantee the successful achievement of independence for Scotland and whichever other country followed.
NI is more likely to become part of a federal Ireland than remain part of the UK- IMO
16 September, 2007 at 2:15 am #27791316 September, 2007 at 2:26 am #277914
(spot the tories :) )
and even the Queen applauds ! against protocol !
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