The Beano was & still is the best …. so ner . lol
I agree, arc, but only in hindsight.
The Beano and the Dandy were the two comics brought by my dad every Thursday evening when i first learned to read. I used to wait for them with great expectation. All bound up with waiting for dad to come home from the shipyard; Thursday was his wage day.
It didn’t take me long to realise that the Beano was the better of the two.
Later, i grew up to get the Lion and the Victor – the Eagle was never for the likes of me, though I remember seeing it when other boys brought it into the classroom.
Then I went on to read other comics, without pictures, or rather with pictures whihc my mind was able to draw.
Now I realise that the Beano was the best..along wiht the waiting on a Thursday evening.