Boards Index General discussion Getting serious The Jury's back in for the rude little boy

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  • #1123335

    I am going to epilate my legs today@ no pain no gain. :yahoo:

    throws you a razor

    your humour needs a little sharpening, too


    MaJic and ghost are clearly both morgoscorpo

    This poor woman is either going through the menopause or has mizzy syndrome poor thing awwww bless.


    Mizzy..mizzy..mizzy..blah blah blah..

    May she rest in peace.


    Oh dear lindaclemenza7 is that really true :unsure:


    How very dare you Geoff!?😮

    My humour is spot on!  And epilating is razor free.  It can be plucking painful at times though :cry:


    Sounds razor sharp sceptical guy, I think he’s plucked on the wrong one if you ask me. Although his humour is as bland as a raw carrot, also throwing a razor at you could make him the cutting end of ridicule. So it has to be said he’s not the sharpest tool to sort your box out.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ghost_Child.
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